Whirl's dad

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The classroom was abuzz. A guest lecturer was coming to the academy today to talk about functionists and the bad things they did before the war.

"Who do you guys think it's gonna be?" Hoist asked.

"Is it your uncle Drift, Medix?" Hotshot asked.

"No, he is not the guest lecturer. I believe it may be an ex- gladiator." The medic said.

Whirl was sitting at her desk, obviously excited, but not adding to the conversation, which was odd for her.

"You okay Whirl." Wedge asked.

"Oh yeah." She said.

"So," Hotshot said. "You gonna--I don't know--say anything?"

"Yeah, you usually talk about anything and you being silent in kinda terrifying me." Hoist said. His friends were his rocks.

"Well, I don't need to guess who our guest lecturer is because I already know who it is." Whirl explain.

"What? Who?"


"Where's my powerful helicopter?" A voice shouted from the doorway.

"DAD!" Whirl cried as she ran into the arms of the mech in the doorway.

He appeared to be a helicopter, but his face was more screen-like, with one eye.

"Hi Whirly Bird!" The bot cried as he hugged Whirl.

"Guys," Whirl said as she turned back to the other recruits. "This is my dad, Whirl."

The rescuebot recruits learn about functionistWhere stories live. Discover now