They peeked outside the tent and saw fire everywhere and people running trying to get to safety. Some tents were burning as the fire came down on them. He pushed me back into the tent and ran to the twins telling them to stop.

Madelyn started rubbing her arms anxiously, she didn't like these kinds of things. Whenever something happened at Hogwarts, she would get this strange feeling and she hated it. She felt weird like something was watching her.

"We've gotta get out of here. Now!" Mr. Weasley pushed them out of the tent and she saw the image she saw previously. "Get back to the Portkey, everybody, and stick together!"

She looked around frantically for anyone, Fred or Harry or Hermione, but everyone was running their own separate ways. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and she looked around as if somebody was watching me.

"Maddie!" She heard somebody scream her name but couldn't focus on it. She looked up at the sky and it felt like She was in a trance and couldn't get out. She saw people in robes with black pointy hats and spears with fire at the end walking towards her.

"Where's the girl! He wants the girl!" She heard one of them yell and they all split off into different sections looking for the girl, she assumed. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak. She felt someone grab her hand and pull her with them, but she couldn't register who it was. She caught a glimpse of a red streak before she blacked out.


"Maddie! Maddie!" She gasped as she woke up to someone hovering over her, shaking her awake. She looked up to find Fred's arms on her shoulders along with everybody else hovering over her.

"Alright, alright. Let's give her some space." Arthur said and everyone backed awak as Fred helped her sit up. Her hands reached for her head, to try and mend the pounding sensation. Arthur handed her a bottle of water which she gladly took, drinking most of it in one gulp.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You blacked out when we were running. The death eaters attacked." Fred explained. She nodded but tensed when she wondered if her father had something to do with it. She wasn't blind, she knew Lucius was a death eater, it would only make sense if thats why they had so many people over.

"We have to go back and get Harry." Hermione showed her concern for her friend as she tried to get everyone to hurry and get back to Harry. Fred and Arthur helped Maddie get back on her feet. She brushed off her jeans and checked her neck to make sure her necklace was still there. She let out a sigh of relief once she felt the gold metal on her hand.

Ron, Hermione, and Madelyn started making their way back to the burned down camp. It was lighter out, and you could only see a few sparks still lit. Smoke was all over the sky and Madelyn had to squint to see through it. She spotted Harry between some tents and they all ran to him. She immediately wrapped her arms around him.

"Thought we lost you, mate." Ron said. Madelyn pulled away and Harry looked at her concerned. He knew some things about her father, she confided in him. He wasn't angry at her when she told him she suspected her father was a death eater, he didn't believe she could ever be like him.

"Are you alright?" He asked her and she nodded. She looked around until her eyes came in contact with the sky. A green skull with a snake wrapping around it took up a portion of the sky. Harry gasped and held his scar.

"Stupefy!" Some people that worked at the ministry started shouting at the teens and yelling out spells causing them to duck down as fast as they could.

"Stop! That's my son!" Arthur ran in between them and came over to the four, helping them up. Barty started accusing Harry of a crime as Arthur started arguing with them. Madelyn looked up to the sky and shuddered as the hair on her neck came up again. She looked around, that feeling back again, like something was watching her.

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