"Kageyama-kun! You're awake! You scared me for a second, I thought you'd die", Sugawara laughed, but Tobio could see the worry in his eyes.

"Kageyama-kun.. You know you can trust me, right?" Tobio nodded, because he knows, and he trusts his team. "Well the nurse said that you might've overheated so we had to take your shirts off and-"

Suga hesitated. "..are you ok? Do you want to talk about it with me?"

Then Tobio realized. He was bare-chested, bandaged arms in plain sight. Tobio expected him to panic, to scream for Suga to go away but he felt-

-he felt a sense of relief.

Tears fell down one by one, and Suga immediately came closer, pulling Tobio into a bone-crushing hug. Tobio leaned into the warm body, if felt nice to let it out, to not hide.

"Why-" Tobio sobbed, "Why did they block me off?" Tobio clung onto Suga's jersey, ignoring the fact that it was sweat drenched.

"Was- was I just a game to them?" Tobio hiccuped, "Am- am I not lovable enough? Did I not love them enough?" Tobio wailed.

"No, no sweetheart. shush.. it'll be fine. You're going to be fine.."

Tobio nodded into Suga's jersey, snot and tears now staining the clothing more.

"How about you go talk to them when you're ready? I saw them watching the match, they must still care about you."

Tobio nodded again, sniffling.

Talk to them.


Tobio wasn't ready, but he couldn't stand it.

Tobio fidgeted with his fingers like he did just a few days before. Ayu-san left as soon as he arrived, it was a coincidence Tobio could even enter the house. He didn't have a key, and would've waited outside if Ayu-san wasn't rushing to work.

If Tobio was correct, his boyfriends would be home in around half an hour.

Tobio tapped his foot nervously, god, what if they-

No, they wouldn't.

The door rattled, and Tobio stood up, wanting to see his boyfriends. They were early...why?

"Tooru! Hajime!" Tobio felt like crying for some reason.

"Tobio." Tooru's voice was hollow, blank.

"Tooru?" Tobio whispered.

"What are you doing here, Kageyama?" Hajime said, voice monotone.


"I- I wanted to see you..." Tobio said, voice wavering. Why are they like this?

"To what? Shove your victory in my faces?"

"What-? No-"

"Go home, Kageyama."


"Why don't you celebrate with your family, Tobio? Oh wait, you don't have one. That's probably why you're crawling back to us, right?"

Tobio snapped, how dare he.

"Yeah?! Why the fuck would I "crawl back" to someone who blocks their soulmate over a fucking volleyball match?!"

"Well how could I have not done it if my own soulmate fucking destroyed my dreams?!"

"It's not even my fault?! It's not my fault your team happens to lose against us!"

Incapable of Love | IwaOiKageWhere stories live. Discover now