Broken man

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~Toshinori POV~

"Son! I want to talk to you" I yelled

"what do you want old man?" Izuku replied coldly

"I wanted to ask you about Gojo Satoru. you sai-" I started to talk but Izuku interrupted me and said "it's none of your business. are you jealous or something? don't try to act like a father!"

"I understand you're angry with me but please let me explain, please. there has been a reason why I haven't been around all this while! I made a promise that I would never let anyone else die like your mother, I swore to myself that I'd save every person I could! that's why, that's why I haven't been able to be with you all this time! and if you're willing to we coul-" I shouted out but once again Izuku interrupted me.

"Shut up! I don't care what promise you made to yourself! you should've been there for your children! even after all this you spent time only with Izumi, how do you think that would affect a small child, that a parent would spend time with their twin but not with them! and you wonder why I don't see you as a father." I put down my head in shame "I know what I've done can't be forgiven, but-"

"shut up old man! I might respect you as a hero, I acknowledge your power, but in my eyes, you're always a failure, a failure as a father, and a failure as a man!" Izuku shouted. In his eyes were something I've never seen before, it was rage. what have I done? have I stooped down so low that neglected my own son? and yet I spent more time with his sister, I really have failed. but I couldn't just let him leave me, I would do anything to get him back.

"my bo-" I began but izuku interrupted and said "you really don't get it do you? and you wonder why I don't see you as a father. Gojo sensei was there for me when I needed him, he didn't just abandon his kin because he made a pathetic vow to himself. I have forsaken all semblances of recognition with you. I am no longer Izuku Yagi, I have been freed from my blood. I am Izuku ryomen, the next number 1 hero, and you better remember that....scum"

at that moment Izuku looked at me with many things, rage, disappointment, and a bit of sadness, but the most prevalent of all of them was the manner of how he looked at me, like a human looking at a slug, he looked at me with disgust, as if I was weak, and that was the moment I knew that I had lost my son to my own selfishness.

"I may be a failure of a father, and a man but please let me make it up to you. please let's go home together son, please..." I sobbed but all Izuku gave me was a cold glare and walked off.

I laid there for 5 minutes or 2 hours I do not know, but the fact that I had abandoned my own child made me think could I really be considered a hero? the Izuku I knew was long gone, but I still couldn't let him go like that. I would do anything to get my son back, this was a promise to myself just like how I had done when inko died, I would definitely get my son to condone my actions and act as a father should, I know I will never be his father again but the least I could do is to make him accept my apology.

with that, I began walking towards Nezu's office to tell him about the day's events.

~Izuku POV~

it had been 2 weeks since the UA entrance exam, that pathetic excuse for a man had put me in a bad mood the entire time. I had been reading up more about cursed energy and reversed cursed energy. it was said that you could heal yourself by turning the negative cursed energy used to destroy into positive energy which could be used to heal yourself. I was trying to do this but to no avail. Sukuna's cursed technique wouldn't emerge as well, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't use cleave or dismantle.

 Gojo sensei had told him that since he used it right now it would be engraved faster onto Izuku, it took an abnormally long time for it to engrave onto him for some reason. or that it was already engraved and izuku didn't know how to bring it out.

the bell rang and it turns out it was the morning mail, there were 2 letter's from UA and one of them was addressed to me. I left the one for Izumi on the table and I took mine up to my room.

when I opened my letter a small holographic device slipped and fell onto the desk. it immediately started playing and a hobo-looking man said in a bored tone "congrats on getting 1st place on the exam, you scored 149 points, the highest score till now. you got extra points for rescuing the girl. see you in UA."

Man, that guy is a mood, I'm finally in UA, my dream school. I felt a sense of accomplishment. well, then hobo dude see you in UA.

i then called up Gojo sensei and told him that I got accepted into UA with the highest score ever, he was overjoyed at the fact and promised me he would buy me some ice cream the next time i meet him. he also told me, he would be starting teaching at UA the day I start as well, he would teach the heroics course along with all might. I didn't care about all might but I was certainly cautious about him.

"I'll see you later at UA then sensei" I replied trying to sound cool.

"ahh, my young disciple all grown up! I couldn't be more proud! make your sensei proud! go live your life!" sensei said

"that's a bit too dramatic sensei."
"oh is it? ill try my best to improve then. next time you see me ill be a perfect actor Izuku-chan"

"don't ever call me izuku-chan again you creepy bastard."
"I'm hurt."

and that's it for the chapter. 2 chaps in a day is good right? I know its a bit short but I wanted to do the first day of UA in a separate chapter. btw I have to ask am I being too harsh on all might or too kind? lemme know in the comments. I want to interact further with you guys so leave your suggestions and opinions in the comments! and thanks for the 2k reads! I appreciate the support! sorry if you didn't like my pathetic attempt at comedy in the last few lines!

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