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  "Now that Shura's goal has changed, Rebecca is in even greater danger right now."

     "I won't let you anywhere near Rebecca!"
     "It's not your choice to make."
     As Shiki and Shura started fighting, Milani left Homura's body and, along with Nasseh, they were about to take Rebecca out of the Edens Zero.
     The rest of the crew had a lot of trouble dealing with three Oceans, even if they outnumbered them significantly.
     After losing miserably against Shura and the Oceans, the whole Edens Zero crew was captured.
     They were taken in a giant room. Rebecca remembered Drakken Joe and she was about to have a panic attack.
     "Don't worry. We will get through this. We always do." Shiki succeeded in calming her down.
     "So, Shiki, would you mind giving me your wife and your kid or do choose to die?" Shura asked.
     Shiki knows...? Rebecca did not want Shiki to find out, but it seems like he did.
     "I would rather die than leave Rebecca!"
     Shiki was determined to keep Rebecca and his baby safe, no matter the cost.
     "As you wish." Shura said and with one blow he killed Shiki.
     Rebecca started screaming, "Stop!"
     She was devistated.
     The love of her life was dying in front of her own eyes and she couldn't do anything, again.
     However, this time, she managed to use her ether gear, while her hands were tied, for the first time and went back in time, where they were talking about their honeymoon.
     She tried to prevent Shiki's death numerous times, but to no avail.

     "How many times did Rebecca even go back in time? Isn't there a limit to her ether gear? And what will happen when she reaches that limit?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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