Let the battle begin

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     "Hello again! I just wanted to remind you that this story is based on Asia's Xiaomei theory! I hope you enjoy today's chapter!"

     Shiki couldn't stop staring at Rebecca. He knew that something was wrong. He just didn't know what.
     Shiki then  approached Rebecca and told her, "I don't think you should fight."
     "What? Why? Don't you think I can handle it? It's not my first time fighting."
     "Great demon king what has gotten into you? It's not like you to discourage your wife like that." Witch interrupted them.
     "I just have a bad feeling about this." Shiki said and he hugged Rebecca.
     "Promise me that if anything goes wrong you will come to me, no matter what." He whispered in Rebecca's ear.
     Rebecca was taken aback, but in a nice way. She hugged him back and said, "Okay."
     "Someone has invaded the Edens Zero!" Hermiy shouted.
     "I'm on it." Witch run towards hermit.
     To their surprise, it was a woman came from above. They expected Shura to show up, not a woman. Soon they realised that she wasn't alone.
     Four more people walked in. There were two girls and three boys in total.
     "Now now, what shall we do with you?" Milani said.
     Hermit and Pino analysed them as fast as thet could,but Witch still asked, "Who are you?"
     Pino answered, "They must be the Oceans." and Hermit continued, "Be careful everyone. I sense very high levels of ether coming from them."
     "Why would Shura send his bodyguards instead of coming here in person? Is he such a coward that he can't even face his enemies by himself?" Weisz said, without knowing that this was Shura's plan all along.
     Suddenly someone came and took Shiki out of the ship in a fast speed.
     "That was Shura." Hermit looked daggers at Weisz.
     "Hey! I'm sorry, okay? How was I supposed to know?"
     Hermit sighed and changed to her battle outfit, along with the other 2 shining stars.
     "Where is Homura?" Rebecca started looking around for Homura, but to no avail.
     "I think I saw her heading to her bedroom." Happy said and continued, "Weren't there two girls? Why is it only one now?"
     Rebecca was really worried about Homura, so she screamed, "This means she is in trouble. I will go! You guys handle them!"
     "No need to say it twice princess." Sister said.
     "Don't you think we let them talk a lot?" Lyra asked.
     "Relax. It's not like they can win or anything." Nasseh replied.
     "Rather confident, aren't we?" Sister said as she approached Nasseh in high speed and punched him.
     "You have some nerve old woman." After being punched in the face, Nasseh stood up.
     "What did you call me?" For sister, being called 'old woman' made her more than outrageous.
     In Homura's bedroom, Rebecca burst in.
     "Rebecca? What happened? Is everything okay?"
     "No! The Edens Zero was invaded and there is a woman who is probably after you!" Rebecca took a better look at Homura and said, "Wait. Why is your mole on the left side? Shouldn't it be on your right?"
     Homura attacked Rebecca, but Rebecca was quick enough to dodge her attack.
     "Homura? What has gotten into you?" Rebecca saw the reflection in Homura's mirror and the girl in there looked familiar. She is that girl from before! Don't tell me...Rebecca thought.
     "You either surrender or die right here, right now." Milani said through the mirror.
     "As if!" Rebecca said as she was holding her belly and activating her ether gear.
     As for Shiki, Shura took him a little bit further, to a field that was out of the beaten track. He was surrounded by a lot of robots.
     "What is this?" Shiki asked and Shura replied with a smile on his face, "This will become your grave!"
     "And what makes you think I will go easy on you?" Shiki smiled.

     "Wow, this was definitely an experience! I wonder what will happen in the next chaper. Xiaomei signs out!"

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