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Quartz beads caught her face in the welcoming blast from the warm ventilation system, signalling that this was the place. 

Sasha blew them away as she settled into a corner of the room, flicking out her trusty compact to check her face. The pallor of her unbreathing features was safely caked behind what she guessed was probably two layers of concealer. Likewise, her white eyes were hidden under itching contacts. 

Even though she knew that it was enough to fool most people, she just couldn't shake off the feeling that everyone was double-looking her, stripping away her disguise. If they knew what she really was, she doubted that, even in this age, that they would spare her the torches and pitchforks. 

She spared a burbling giggle at the morbid thought of herself being torn into quarters, and looked down at her painted nails. 


She had met him on the site just three months ago. It was somewhere, that she had never really expecting of finding romance in the first place, the internet. But life had just that strangely sweet way of surprising you.

They had connected instantly. Of course, they had shared so many interests- literature, board games, obscure Japanese horror films- that it was almost impossible for them not to have done so in the first place. 

And he seemed such a gentleman too. It was so long that she had ever really encountered someone like her and an equally great comfort to know that they still existed out here in this modern age. 

Now here they were. On a date. Their first, actual, real, genuine date. 

Sasha had never been this happy in a long time. Or this terrified. 

Elgan. That was his real name, she internally reminded herself, desperate to avoid any kind of public faux pas. 

Shifting around, she breathed in the ambience. This resturant was lovely- deep red curtains draped over the street-view windows, which a little streetlight smudged through the panes. Say what you would about the unliving, but they knew how to pick their places. 

"Uh, JournalFeline?"

A tenative pause, followed by a worried turn to the right. 

It was a step that was then followed by the sudden shrinking of the irises. That is, if she had the blood to do it. 

"Oh, my God! Sasha? Is that you?!" A grateful smile. "It's so good to finally meet you!" 

She found herself only able to nod along sheepishly, clicking the heels of her new shoes together, her gaze still permanently fixed onto his face. 

Evidently he'd omitted more from his profile than just what he actually looked like. 

But there was no mistaking it. The rosy skin. The shiny hair, the warm breath that trickled around each of his perky words. The warm, invisible pulse of blood beneath his skin and muscles. 

Specifically, the fact that Elgan Glover was alive

Her mouth went dry as she looked him over, then abrupt snapped shut, still at a loss of what to say next. 

Seconds past initial face to face meeting, the next such phase of social contact would obviously be unelegant mumbling. 

The two soon found themselves sitting across facing each other in a corner of the room facing the tasteful Oriental art and the draping red velvet curtains. Chopsticks, aside a silvery array of other preferred utensils were laid out on the table, ready to be selected. 

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