9.How Pathetic...

Start from the beginning

"Say what?" My jaw dropped.

'Who in the world--'

"Kyaaaaa princess! I wonder who sent you these!"

Lucy was hopping around in the entire room full of excitement and joy. I was pretty pleased to see that but the question remains the same, who in the world sent these to me...

I sighed and said by waving my hands, " arrange these in my closet."

"Yes, Princess! Right away."


In Camille's office

Knock knock-

"Your Highness, this is Kyra. May I come in"

"Yes, come in."

"The Emperor wishes to see you, he has asked you to get your recent paperwork too."

"Okay, I'll be there."


At the Emperor's office...

Knock knock--

"Your Majesty, this is Camille. May I come in?"

"Yes come in."


"Have a seat."

"thank you, your majesty."

"would you like to have some refreshment?"


The servants served some desserts and a variety of drinks.

I took a sip from my tea and asked, "Your Majesty, you called for me?"



"I have called you here to discuss something."

'What is it?'

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He started speaking I hurriedly changed the option and switched it to Camille's ability. We discussed some issues related to the people's requirements. After sipping the last sip of my tea I glanced towards the Emperor, he was still looking at my paperwork. He looked towards me and smiled saying, "It's good that you have started changing"


"I know that you don't usually spend money, and you also prefer not to, and you may be having your reasons."


"But today you spent all your monthly money in one go, what in the world did you buy?"

My jaw dropped the moment I heard the last part of the sentence.

'What the hell?! I didn't spend any money! What the hell is he even talking about?!'

"Um...that...that is..."

Knock knock--

"What is it?" The Emperor asked.

"Your highness, the crown prince is here to see you. he says it's urgent."


the emperor said looking towards me.

"it's okay your majesty, I'll come back later."


"now then I'll take my leave."

I saw Callisto standing outside waiting for me to leave. Our eyes met I nodded and was about to leave, but Callisto bowed down whispered in my ears, "I hope you like my gift."

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