
Confessional :

Nurys : hi guys I'm Nurys y'all might know me from are you the one or ex on the beach me and Aaliyah are enemies because we both slept with the same dude on ex on the beach which we both had feeling for I just know the only thing she's thinking about right now is killing me *laughs*

(After everybody gets there partners out)

Tj - that's it britini and Chuck and jennna and jemmye y'all are gone

Confessional :

Aaliyah - *laughs* I'm so happy right now that jennas gone do you know how hard it was gonna be to try and get Zach to sleep with me with her here now I can do it every where I know it's gonna be hard cause Zach loves Jenna to death but you know it's worth a try *laughs*


Confessional :

Zach - I can't get rid of her I swear no matter what I do know I'm kidding Aaliyah is awesome we are great we're good but if she would just stop trying to sleep with me I already made a mistake with her a once on the last season we were on together I'm not tryna mess this up but then at the same time it's hard because look at Aaliyah then look at Jenna

Johnny - what about me tj tj!!!!!!! What about me everyone else is getting dug out and I'm not

Shane - Johnny!!!!!

Zach - try to push

Johnny - oh my fucking god I'm be most beloved cast member and I don't have a vendetta

Aaliyah - somebody put him back in the coffin!!!!

TJ - now that's how you start a season and a special congratulations to Amanda and Zach bananas your partner didn't even bother to show up there for unfortunately there are no people here for you so bananas somebody else will be coming for you soon so sit tight

Johnny - ha I saw you ak-47 thought I was gonna get sent back home fuck all you guys

TJ - as for the losing squad britini,Chuck,jemmye,and Jenna this ends your time here in South Africa but before you go there's one more decision to be made Amanda, Zach final reckoning if you win you have power I need you guys to choose one more team to go home right now discuss it

Amanda - would you rather have somebody from big brother out which might be smarter

Zach - ok

Amanda - unless you want to get out a strong team

Confessional :

Kam  - bitch were ion ion know if I came 24 hours of traveling to South Africa to have to turn around and go back home I'd be pissed.


Confessional :

Aaliyah - I whisper to Nurys put your head back don't let them see you and we both just put are head back like this


Amanda - what about Ak-47

Zach - hell no

Amanda - why

Zach - because if Aaliyah is gone and Jenna that's gonna mess up my game

Tj - hurry up you guys

Zach - are you gonna say it

Amanda - no you

Tj - so Amanda and Zach what team are you gonna send home and why

Zach - well considering that Amanda and I have complete different friends in this house it was super hard but we're gonna go with what we think is gonna cause the least resistance for us sorry jozea and davonne we don't really no much about you guys and we have kind deals and friends and that's just how the game plays

The Love Triangle ~ Kyle, Bananas and Zach ~ The Challenge Where stories live. Discover now