War Games

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Four years later

Sitting at a computer is Izzy drinking "It was another Digidestined, Izzy who first notice there was trouble" Izzy notice something leans in said, "Huh" He opens a tab "Prodigious" He sees a virus "A computer virus on the internet".

But Izzy notice something else "Wait a minute" Izzy put his drink down "Wow, it's attacking something" He look to his laptop and press a button "Let me see if I can get an image of its target" Shows a tab with a white space in the middle and number on the sides, top, and bottom.

The numbers change rapidly "Izzy wasn't the only tracking the virus the whole world was watching" A schoolgirl points said, "Look" A kid at his laptop with his friends look ask, "What's this" A pair of boys look said, "Check it out" Some teens at a computer in a library look "No one was prepared what was about to happen".

A pair of twins watch from a bedroom, Chines boys at a school computer lab look at each other, a bunch of girls watching, Izzy staring said, "Looks like a digiegg" The screen shows the egg better "Where'd that came from".

The egg moves "Wow, the virus causing the egg to develop abnormally fast, I think it's gonna hatch" The egg hatch to reveal an orange eye then an email appear said 'hello!!' While across town to see two buildings another is behind them "Across town Tai and another Digidestined Sora"

A ball bounce as three kids run after it "Were facing their own problem" Walking is Sora wearing a beanie looking towards the building while inside the Kamiya apartment is Tai on the computer said, "Dear Sora, I'm sorry about what happened I haven't felt this bad since I accidently threw up in your hat and didn't tell you about it before you put it on".

Tai keeps typing "I know our relationship has been a little slower lately you say you like thunder showers so what's a few raindrops between friends Love, Tai" He then realise what he types "Love, I mean From, I mean".

He leans back groan but suddenly a voice ask, "Who are you writing to, Tai" Surprising him Tai turns to see Kari there and the word from went to love acting quickly Tai cover the email said, "It's just an email joke".

Tai looks at Kari "What are you doing in here anyway Kari" Kari said, "I thought you wanted cookie" Tai takes it turns slowly "My brother and I had give and take relationship I would give, and he would take" Before lean to get the other said, "Give it here" Kari moves the cookie to the left said, "Sorry" Tai tries again said, "Give it".

Kari moves to the right said, "Sorry" Tai tries one more time nearly falling out of the chair said, "Let go" But Kari moves the cookie above her head said, "Maybe next time" Tai leans against the chair face the computer said, "Ah, who cares" Kari runs forward said, "If you want to send an email you have to click this, click".

Tai watch Kari move the mouse and click send then she runs as Tai leans in saw this turns yell, "I wasn't going to send that letter" Kari poke her head ask, "Then what you write it for" Tai groans said, "Ah, go eat you cookie" Kari pouts said, "Okay".

Tai looks back to the screen said, "I can't believe Sora's going to read my letter" But then he notice something leans in "Wait a minute unable to deliver" Leans back holds the desk angry "I can't believe she's not going to ready my letter you tell a girl your sorry the computer shuts you down" Suddenly the chair lose balance making Tai fell on the floor his legs up "It's been one week since you looked at me".

Shows a couple of buildings a plane flies behind a Ferris wheel "Cocked your head to the side and said I'm angry" Walking by TV screens is Sora sad "Five days since you laughed at me saying get that together come back and see me" A bunch of kids run by.

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