Chapter 7 - Disqualified

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|•Tuesday, April 5 2021, 10:17 AM•|

Deku's POV

I jump at Bakugo using my quirk at full power and Bakugo flew at me using his explosion but when we were getting close to each other our quirks disappeared and we hit each other and fall on the ground

"BAKUGOU!" I heard Tsu scream and go toward Bakugou

"You two problematic child, you could have killed yourselves" Mr. Aizawa said and he comes out behind the broken wall

"We are s-sorry, Mr. Aizawa" I said

"Shut up nerd" Bakugo said

"Don't think you both are getting away easily, you both are disqualified in this Team Battle" Mr. Aizawa said angrily

"We understand, Mr. Aizawa" I said calmly

"Tsu, you can go find your team now" Mr. Aizawa said

"Okay Mr. Aizawa..." Tsu said a little sad and she left

We all stood there in silence and Mr. Aizawa called Recovery Girl

Momo's POV

I was worried a lot by Mina, Toru din't do that much to make Mina cough out blood and make her unconcious. There has to be something wrong but what?

"Momo? Momo!" Jirou said

"Huh? Oh sorry I zone out" I said

"What should we do now?" Tokoyami asked

"Oh, we should some other teams using Jirou's earphone jack" I said

Jirou nodded and started to search somr more teams using her earphone jack

"I can't find them, there are birds that are distracting me" Jirou said

"Birds? It must be Kouda. Tokoyami use Dark Shadow to find them" I said

He nodded and used his quirk and Dark Shadow appeared. Dark Shadow flied away to search for Group 1 and after a few seconds Dark Shadow came back

"They are near a broken wall, that way" Dark Shadow said pointing east

Everyone nodded and went east

|•Tuesday, April 5 2021, 10:20 AM•|

Shoji's POV

We got away from Group 3 and we got tired for running away so quickly

We hid behind a broken wall that was cause earlier but we din't know what caused it

"We should play it safe and get away from the groups" Kouda said

"I'll look for any" I said

I stood up and use my quirk to make multiple eyes, I din't see anyone at first but then I saw someone with purple hair, it was Jirou. We can't let her find us

"I find Jirou, Kouda use your quirk to someone birds to distract Jirou" I said

Kouda nods and starts using his quirk to call out birds and send them near Jirou to make noise

A few seconds later I noticed Jirou and her group were going to our direction

"We gotta move" I said

Sato quickly made a hole on the wall to make an escape path

We quickly went in and we ran away but they were still in our tail

I looked behind me and I saw Jirou putting her earohone jack on her boots and a very loud soundwave came toward us and we fell on the ground

Kouda quickly called out some bugs to attack them and it attacked Jirou

"AHH BUGS" Jirou screamed while the bugs slowly went up to her

Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to attack Kouda and Kouda stopped controlling the bugs making the bugs in Jirou's leg go back underground

"Thank you, Tokoyami" Jirou said

Momo made a pole and I tried to attack her but she hit me hard with the pole and I fell on the ground

Dark Shadow tried to capture Sato but Sato punch him continously but it had no effect

Momo made a rope to tie us up and we were captured

Denki's POV

We tried to find Group 1 but we couldn't find them

"This is so boring, maybe they were captured by another team?" I said

"We shall not stop because of your bordomeness" Iida said

"I am with Denki in this one, this has no point" Kirishima said

We heard some footsteps in the west direction

"What was that?" I asked

"I don't know but lets check it out" Iida said

We followed Iida in the west direction but we saw no one but still hear the footsteps

"Who's there?" Uraraka asked

After a few seconds of silent the footsteps stopped making noise

Another few seconds and I was attacked by something

"DENKI!!" Iida yelled

I tried to get away but I couldn't and Ojirou came out of nowhere and attacked Uraraka

Iida tried to attack but was blinded by Toru's light and they got away with me and Uraraka getting captured

Tsuyu's POV

I tried to find my team but I couldn't find them

I climb up a broken wall that Bakugou exploded a while ago. I was pretty high up but I could not find them

I saw three people in near the broken wall in the east direction

I went over there to check it out but it wasn't my team, it was Group 2

I don't think they spotted me yet

"I hear someone hiding, over there" Jirou said

She was pointing at my direction, I tried to run away but they were in my tail

There were only 30 seconds left till the Team Battle is over

I ran as fast as I can to not get captured but then I saw something stop me

It was a shadow-like monster so I tried to jump above it but it got me with only 5 seconds left

"It has been 30 minutes, everyone meet me back at the entrance" Mr. Aizawa said through the loudspeaker

|•Tuesday, April 5 2021, 10:30 AM•|

Aizawa's POV

Everyone arrived at the entrance

"Group 2 won with 4 points, Group 3 and Group 4 with 3 points, and Group 1 with 0 points" I said

"I can't believe we lost" Mineta said

"Great job team" Momo said


Sorry the ending was boring :/

But I hope you enjoyed this <3

Next chapter in a few days because I ran out of ideas but if you do have any ideas please comment them

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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