"Sure. I wouldn't mind." Pond answers.

After sending Tommy off, Phuwin decides to bring Pond to a nearby café. He figured that going for dessert after his trauma with the fish would at least calm his nerves. Pond looks at the menu and lifts a brow. "I thought you said that we would eat somewhere to fill our stomachs?"

"Oh come on. You said you'd want to avoid fish. Almost everywhere I want to go has fish in it. So I decided this place. At least you don't have to see fish for the rest of the day." Phuwin says. The waiter takes their order and walks away.

Pond smiles to himself, he didn't expect Phuwin to be considerate for his feelings. It makes him feel a small swirl in his belly. "Then this lunch will be my treat and how about pizza for dinner?" Pond asks.

Phuwin leans forward. "Pond, you got to start saving your money. We're starting school soon and we have to spread out our money throughout the semester." He advices.

"I'm getting income almost every day." Pond answers. "I already told you I have other sources of income."

Phuwin pinches the bridge of his nose as their food arrives to their table. "You're missing the point." When Phuwin looks up from the table, he sees Pond feeding Phuwin a slice of his waffle. "Aren't you supposed to eat it instead of me?" Phuwin asks.

Pond gestures for Phuwin to eat it. "Just put it in your mouth. I'm trying to be sweet here." Pond answers. Phuwin looks at Pond suspiciously before putting the piece of waffle in his mouth. "That's what we're supposed to do on a date. I wouldn't mind if you try to feed me a piece."

Phuwin has completely forgotten about their wager. "This might be our second date but that doesn't mean I'll do the same thing you did."

"Stop playing hard to get." Pond answers.

Tommy was surprise that Phuwin gave the whole fish to him. Tommy is partially irritated yet thankful that he has a whole fish to work with, however when it comes to degutting the fish, he was cursing out loud. It takes him nearly an hour to degut it but the outcome was worth it. He just hopes Jimmy would love to eat salmon for the next couple of days.

He decides to make salmon fillet and buttery mash potatoes like how Jimmy would like it. Just as he is about to plate it, the main door opens. "I'm home." Jimmy greets. The smell lingering in the air makes Jimmy's stomach growl loudly.

Tommy stops at his spot and turns to Jimmy. "Are you that hungry?" Tommy asks as he let out a laugh.

Jimmy throws his uniform on the sofa and runs into the kitchen. Jimmy's mouth starts to water when he sees the food prepared for the both of them. "Help me take them to the table." Tommy says and Jimmy wasted no time doing so.

Tommy brings two glass of water for the both of them and he sees Jimmy eating his food. "What happen today? You are unexceptionally hungry." Tommy asks as he digs into his food. The taste was decent and makes a mental note to make it better with the future fishes he has stored in the fridge.

"Oh I spend the time walking home. I wanted to explore the nearby shops and see where is a good place to eat." Jimmy's eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh and I made a new friend today. He's in the same course as me or us. He reminds me of you quite a little bit, he's kind of short as well."

Tommy let out a soft laugh. "Everyone is short to you, Jimmy. You're just super tall. Anyway how is this guy?"

"He's nice so far. I only had a small conversation with him but we exchanged numbers for next week." Jimmy explains.

Tommy feels a little jealous that Jimmy met with someone new without him and the fact that Jimmy doesn't need his help despite being his senior in school just puts Tommy a little bit of uneasiness. "Well, that sounds really good. You made your first friend in campus." Tommy points the fork at Jimmy. "You better let me know who this guy is during the first day of school."

Jimmy nods. "No worries. I'll still text you as long as nobody knows about it."

"Anyway on another note. Phuwin is slowly opening up to Pond. I went to the market with them this morning while you were away and I saw Phuwin cleaning up Pond's hand after touching a dead fish." Tommy wiggles his brows. "I guess we both know who's going to win this bet."

After taking a shower, Phuwin throws himself on the bed while Pond fiddles with his computer. Phuwin spends his time on the phone and Pond couldn't take his eyes off Phuwin. "Is that what you do all day?" Pond asks.

"Yeah. There's nothing else for me to do anyway." Phuwin replies with his eyes still locked on the phone.

Pond let out a sigh. "Anyway what topping would you like for your pizza? I'll preorder for tonight." Pond says as he got up from his chair and walks over to the bed. He sits on the edge of the and leans down, trying to take a peek at Phuwin's phone.

"Pepperoni would be nice." Phuwin answers, unaware of Pond's actions.

Pond rolls his eyes when he realizes that Phuwin is just scrolling through his social continuously. The fresh smell of lavender still lingers on Phuwin's skin. Pond climbs over the other boy. "How about we do something fun together?" Pond asks.

Phuwin holds his phone to his chest as he sees Pond hovering over him. He isn't sure on what to do when he's locked under Pond. Pond takes his hand and slides down underneath Phuwin's shirt, feeling the warm skin on his fingertips.

Phuwin grabs onto Pond's wrist. "Isn't this against the rules?" Phuwin asks as he lifts a brow.

Pond flashes a smirk that makes Phuwin's heart skip a beat. "Well, it's not cheating and I can tell how long you've haven't been touched. Also, I'm a little curious on how someone like you is still single?"

Pond pulls his hands away from underneath his shirt and cups his cheek. Pond's eyes widen ever so slightly after realizing how soft and bouncy Phuwin's cheek is. "So soft." Pond whispers softly.

Phuwin's face starts to heat up, he is now at a complete loss. At one second, he could feel Pond's lust and the next Pond is admiring his cheeks. Pond is also right when he says that Phuwin hasn't been touched in a long time, in fact he hasn't been touched at all, and Pond is the one who brings up his buried lust. "I'm not going to agree or disagree to this." Phuwin answers, earning a lifted brow from Pond.

Just a Game.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن