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This is my first time writing and I suck at it. I have no idea what will happen in this story I'm just winging it.


- No ones POV -

Ranboo was woken up by the loud screams of Tommy and Tubbo throwing pillows at each other. "Good morning sleepyhead" said Tommy right before Tubbo hit him with the pillow.

They were about to start their first day of Junior year (Year 12) at their new school. The boys were excited to start from scratch after being kicked out of their old school. ( let's say someone ended up in the hospital )

Tommy and Tubbo rushed downstairs greeted with the smell of pancakes. Ranboo still had to get dressed seeing that he woke up later than Tommy and Tubbo. "Goodmorning boys" said Phil as he was dishing out pancakes onto plates. Ranboo came down a few minutes later and instantly grabbed his pancakes. A few moments later Phil yelled to the boys the bus was here and they all ran out of the house with pancakes in their hands.

When they got on the bus they took the farthest seat in the back that was free. The bus ride wasn't that interesting besides the fact Tommy was trying to flirt with the girl sitting in front of them. ( obviously failing) He made terrible jokes and just looked up pick-up lines that the girl was definitely not impressed by.

The bus finally stopped after what felt like hours and dropped the kids off in front of the school. The boys quickly went inside and searched for the principal's office. They wanted to get their schedules and get a tour of the school.

"Guys your walking too fast" Tubbo said out of breath from trying to keep up with the 2 much taller boys. "Not my fault you decided to be short Tubso" Tommy said with a big smirk on his face knowing it would get Tubbo mad. Tubbo immediately ran towards him and kicked the back of his legs causing Tommy to let out a soft screech. Ranboo looked over and just chuckled to himself finding it funny. "What are you laughing at? HE JUST FUCKING KICKED ME!" Tommy said while crossing his arms in a half-joking way.

When they made it to the Principals office they were greeted with a hello and asked to take a seat. "Hi I'm Mr. Harvey I'll be your principal." He told them a little about the school and gave them their schedules. They were put in the same classes because they were new and Phil asked because he knew Tommy would behave badly without Tubbo and Ranboo.



455 words

That was only 455 words :0

Well that's the first chapter hope you like it so far and tell me any recommendations like teachers names and such

I once again have no idea what I'm doing and I am really bad at writing

Have a good day or night ;) and I'll try and update
this every day or every other idk

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