Haoxiang and Junlin were also sitting in the dining room but weren't doing any cooking. Instead, they were having some small talk.

'And then you add heavy cream.' Nikita said to Pandora, since they were cooking something Pandora had never cooked before.

'Ok I'll get it.' Pandora answered then walked to the refrigerator. She searched for quite a while, not being able to recognize what she was looking for. Finally, she drew the open box from the back of the refrigerator then closed it, finding Chengxin smiling at her behind the refrigerator door.

'Need any help with that?' he asked her.

'I'm good.' She replied coldly.

'No I could help with that.' Chengxin attempted to pull the box away from Pandora so that he could carry it.

'I said I'm good.' she said angrier this time as she pulled it back. Pandora felt awkward having quite a disagreement while Nikita was in the room. She could tell that Nikita had stopped cooking and was now looking at them.

'Do you guys mind?' Haoxiang asked, standing next to Pandora and Chengxin who were facing each other at the refrigerator. 'I need to take some fruit juice from the refrigerator.'

'Let go.' Chengxin said as he pulled the box again.

'Honestly Chengxin, you're irritating. I've been irritated with you since I came here and here you are getting on my bad side. I said no!' Pandora answered and pulled the box hard.

'As if I'll believe that.' he pulled again.

'Guys!' Haoxiang started, but suddenly Pandora squeezed the box so hard that the heavy cream shot from the open box. Unfortunately, the opening had been facing Haoxiang's direction and it spouted in his direction. It soaked his T-Shirt and a collective gasp was heard in the entire kitchen.

'Whoa...sorry dude.' Chengxin said to Haoxiang who looked angry.

Pandora checked the box, not understanding how the heavy cream had ended up on Haoxiang's T-shirt.

'What the hell is wrong with you?' Haoxiang said to Pandora with rage. 'And you can't even apologize!?'

'I'm sorry.' Pandora finally said, but it didn't seem sincere enough to Haoxiang.

'You're just always in the mood to argue with someone, that's all you do!'

'Chengxin started it, didn't you see? I didn't need his help!' Pandora defended herself, waving her arm in Chengxin's direction for emphasis.

'Why wouldn't he want to help you when you were flirting with him all morning huh? Or you're embarrassed to show it because you're in front of us? Don't you think it's childish to pretend hate someone just because you have a crush on him?' Haoxiang looked down at his shirt again in irritancy. 'You're just trash. I'm going to change this.' Haoxiang walked away from the scene to get into his room.

Pandora immediately looked at Nikita who seemed shocked with what she had just heard from Chengxin, she even dropped the wooden spoon she was using into the sink.

'It's not true.' Pandora immediately said to Nikita. 'I wouldn't do that. Chengxin has got it all wrong! Chengxin, tell her the truth!' Pandora turned to him.

'I just want to tell you to stop being embarrassed of the fact that you like me. Because I like you too so it doesn't matter.' Chengxin answered instead, gaining a more disappointed look from Nikita.

'But I don't like you and I never said I like you!' Pandora gasped. 'How can you even say that!?'

'Well you didn't say it but I saw the signs. Come on, I know when someone likes me.' Chengxin smirked.

Junlin chuckled. 'Wow, so that's why you hated Chengxin so much? Come on Pandora, that's childish.'

Pandora looked back at Nikita who looked like she had tears in her eyes.

'You don't believe me? I don't like Chengxin.' She walked over to Nikita who took steps away from her instead.

'Pandora...that's...that's why you hated TNT so much right? Cause you liked him.' Nikita pointed in Chengxin's direction, and he nodded at her statement as if the question was asked to him.

'Of course not! What's wrong with you!? Why won't you believe me!?' Pandora cried. 'So you don't believe I don't like him?'

Nikita shook her head sadly.

'And you don't?' she turned to Chengxin, who shook his head with a smirk. She then turned to Junlin. 'And you don't?'

'Isn't it obvious? You're in love.' Junlin made a heart with his two hands' fingers.

'I can't believe you.' Pandora walked out of the kitchen.

'Where is she going?' everyone except Nikita asked each other, until they heard the entrance door open and shut.

A/N: Got loads of drama coming your way in the next chapter! Get your Kleenex ready if you're a sensitive soul...just joking, don't. But it is dramatic. 

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