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-Pic is Edward-
-September 1st, Tuesday, 4:49 PM-

*Miami's Pov*

I huffed out a breath through my snout, growling at Orlando, my twin brother, after he had tackled me to the ground. 'Don't make me bite you,' I told him through our mind link, snapping my teeth at him.

He raised his head high and pawed the ground, a sign of a fight. 'In your dreams, sis,' he snorted through our mind link, seeming awfully confident.

Our three friends howled next to us in their human form, jumping up and down in excitement as they watched us about to fight.

Before he had a chance to get in his battle stance I jumped towards him. Little did I know he was going to teleport away.

I let out a grunt as my snout banged against the ground, my nose now covered in dirt. I heard a chorus of 'oohs' before I felt my brother jump on my back, tackling me once again.

No way was I about to let him of all people beat me in a battle. Quickly, I kicked my hind legs up, allowing him to fall off of me and I jumped on him, wrapping my teeth around his neck. Focusing my brain on him, he suddenly froze underneath me before becoming limp.

I hadn't bit him, just simply used my glamouring to manipulate his body into submission. All werewolves had a power. Mine was glamouring, Orlando's was teleportation, our parents were fire and invisibility.

I hopped off of him before making my way over to our friends. I didn't really have friends that were girls because when I was little I used to follow Orlando around like a puppy.

"Nice one, Memes," Grant said, smiling in excitement as he let his hand down in my face and I hit my paw against it. It was like a werewolf high five.

Orlando shuffling behind me before he came to stand next to me. He didn't look that down about losing. Instead, he bumped his head against mine and licked my cheek.

'Ugh, Orlando slobber,' I said through our mind link and the group of guys laughed as I pawed at my cheek. 'Okay, but for real, someone give me my clothes so that I can change.'

Tyler through my clothes up in the air and I caught them in my mouth. I shuffled away from them, hiding behind a tree before I shifted and changed. I changed into pajama shorts and a tank top.'Comfy,' I purred to my wolf before I exited my hiding spot and went over to the guys.

Orlando was in human form and had changed into a pair of exercise shorts. They weren't talking but rather chuckling as I came into view. Before I could ask what they were laughing about, we were all mind linked by the Alpha.

'Everyone please report to the pack house ASAP.' His voice boomed through my head, before I felt the mind link cut off.

I looked over towards the guys and I could tell by their smirks that this was a race. Hiding a smirk of my own, I suddenly lurched my body forward, running towards the pack house, hearing them shuffle behind me to keep up. No doubt I would win. Since us females were smaller, we were also quicker.

Soon enough, we came upon the giant pack house, seeing members file in one by one. I steadied my running to a walk and we walked side by side into the pack house.

"I heard the letters came back for Cresthaven," I heard a middle aged woman mutter excitedly to her friend. "Oh, I just bet my Linkypoo made it!"

"Cresthaven?" Grant said beside me excited. I bet he would be excited, considering he was son of the beta and one of the strongest young wolves in our pack. No doubt he would get accepted. "I hope they accept me. My dad has been preparing me for this moment."

I pat his back half heartedly, because in all honesty I could care less. Most of everyone wanted to go to Cresthaven because it showed that you were stronger and a better wolf than others who didn't. In Cresthaven you would be going to classes and staying there for nine months until they chose who got to go into the Kingdom. The Kingdom was a very hard place to get into and you were considered a higher rank than alpha's - other than the Royals.

I was unlike most people, I didn't really want to go. I mean why go to this oh so special academy when in the end you probably would just be coming back anyways? Didn't make much sense to me.

We made our way over to the other teenagers in our pack, let me just say there were a lot of them. The fact that werewolves didn't use protection and mates were having sex daily was chosen as the most plausible reasoning.

"Who do you all think is going to be accepted?" Calvin asked three girls that were in a small group that had walked over to us.

"Mom says," Caitlyn started first, shrugging slightly, "that the letters came in for Cresthaven. She says she was there when the Alpha retrieved the letters from the Royal Guard."

Calvin continued talking to them excitedly and I turned away from them to chat with Orlando, Grant, and Tyler. I just felt awkward standing there, having nothing to say.

We continued to chat until the Alpha entered to room. We all bowed in respect to him before he started to talk. I knew all the teens were staring hungrily at the three envelopes that were grasped in his left hand. "Hello, everyone. I know some of you are anxious, some are excited, and others are confused. These," he held up his hand, showing off the envelopes, " are acceptance letters to the Cresthaven Academy. We have received three letters accepting three of our young pack into Cresthaven." He smiled genuinely and our pack hills red and clapped. It was the most we had ever gotten. After it calmed down he went on. "And I would love to congratulate them myself on getting into it." He glanced down at the envelopes before looking back up. "The three of our pack members who have been accepted are Danielle Medinger, Grant Whittaker, and Miami Andrews."

-September 1st, Tuesday, 5:30 PM-

*Edward's Pov*

I let a sigh cross my lips as I passed by multiple rooms and made my way towards the library, where my parents had told me to meet them. Paintings hung up on the walls and I remembered how my sister would have been in some of those paintings. Shaking my head of those thoughts, I kept on walking.

"Good evening, Alpha King," an elderly maid told me as I passed her by, her head lowering in a bow to me.

My wolf loved the fact that people looked up to us, to them they were our peasants. Myself, on the other hand, didn't really care. It just seemed pointless.

I stopped in front of the library opening, seeing my parents sitting on the couch next to a burning fireplace. Furrowing my eyebrows at the saddened look my mother was giving me, I went and sat across from them in a chair. "What's wrong?"

My father sighed and shifted his body towards me, his hand gripping my mother's loving me. I felt bitter at the sight, considering I hadn't found my mate yet. "Edward, your mother and I were thinking," his voice loud and full of power, "that maybe you should teach at Cresthaven. We think that if the king himself were there then maybe the students would take it a bit more seriously and we would have better quality wolves in our pack."

I felt dumbfounded for only a slight moment. He had wanted me to go to some school and teach? I could be here instead and help prepare for the rogue attacks. My wolf, like always, disagreed. 'Let's show those filthy runts their place,' he said. I opened my mouth to go against his wishes, but noticed my mother's pleading stare. She wanted me to go to it as well. I was definitely not soft, but their were only very few people who I cared for more than anything. Her and dad were one of them.

Sighing I slowly nodded, "Fine, I'll go. When should I start packing?"

The King's Mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن