"breathe jeongin." he chanted softly, continuously rubbing and pressing on it. he doesn't know what exactly was wrong with him but he's been getting chest pains quite a lot recently.

jeongin doesn't know if it's because he was sick or it was frankly because he's hurt from the treatment hyunjin was giving him.

it could be both.

"dad are you ok?" he immediately wiped the tears away when akira spoke.

"of course sweetie." jeongin faked a smile. "you know i'm always okay."

"is it your heart again? i thought you said you would get that checked? that was weeks ago.." their daughter walked towards him with a frown, concern
plastered on her face.

she looked so much like hyunjin it was making the younger smile with more tears fogging his vision.

"akira i don't want to worry you and your father. i'm sure this is nothing too serious. jus promise me that you won't mention this to him."

the girl looked at him with glassy eyes before nodding. "i promise dad." she held onto his hands before hugging him.

"i change my mind. i'm not going anymore." she said.

"going where?" a voice slurred suddenly.

the two flinch as the double doors were opened rather harshly by no other than hyunjin. it made a loud echo as they hit the wall.

"d-daddy i was just going to-"

"i was just about to take her to the newly opened book store." jeongin faked a smile to make it less obvious he'd been crying.

"what for? she's got every book she could possibly need. you're spoiling her too much that's why she's such a brat."he tsked and walk past him, hitting him on the shoulders roughly.

the younger bit his lip, massaging his arm as hyunjin hurt him and didn't even bothered to acknowledge that and apologize.

"i'm not a brat." akira mumbled, glaring at her feet as she clench her fists together.

"you're talking back now?" the elder raised a brow as his voice got laced with his familiar sternness.

"i'm just saying that i'm not a-"

"and i'm telling you not to talk back and raise your voice at me!" he slammed his hand onto the counter making both jeongin and akira flinch.

"hyunjin, stop it. you're scaring her." the younger went to their child who was now crying, shivering badly into her dad's arms. "it's ok, sweetie go up to your room."

jeongin placed a kiss on her forehead before she ran upstairs, sniffling.

"see? that's what i'm talking about. you're treating her like she's still a baby when she's already a teenager!"

the younger ignored him, eyes not even meeting his as he hastily grabbed a bowl. he was filling it up with soup and it was messy as his hands started to shake violently.

"i don't want another argument jinnie. please just for tonight." he was biting on his lips as he tried to set the bowl in front of his husband. then his heart dropped when he accidentally spilled some on the elder's lap.

"what the hell jeongin! for fucks sake, stop being a klutz!" he was looking at him in disgust. "i don't want to eat anymore."

jeongin broke. this was too much.

with tears streaming down his face he threw the bowl on the floor, making the glass shatter loudly. the soup splattered around the tiles but he didn't care.

it had took him almost 2 hours to perfect the soup because he thought hyunjin would love it. guess he was wrong.

"suit yourself." he spat while the elder just look at him, shocked and slightly startled. "i'll be having the maids cook for you starting from tomorrow, then i wouldn't have to worry about my efforts going to waste."

"oh so its my fault? it's not like i asked you to cook for me!"

"because you don't have to!" this time, the younger's face contorted and his voice broke as a sob escaped from him. "i'm doing this because i love you and i thought you'd appreciate it, but you never do!"

jeongin held on the counter for support while his other hand was rubbing on his chest once more.
"jinnie we don't even see eye to eye anymore." his lips pursed.

at this the elder stayed quiet, his expression was softening soon as he saw his husband in this state.

"i thought getting married to you would make me the happiest i've ever been." jeongin was now breathing raggedly but he stood his ground, continuing to speak.

"you're starting to make me doubt that." he finished in a whisper.


please read the first book in order to understand this. it's up on my profile called safe. anyway ily all !

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