1: Bus Ride

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Ghostface nervously shifted the weight of his backpack from shoulder to shoulder. "So ... um ... excited for the first day of school?" he nervously asked his older brother, slightly fiddling with the hoodie strings of his black hoodie with red paint on it to look like blood.

"There's nothing to be excited about," Freddy growled. "There's nothing in store for us but a lot of stress, work, and fake-ass bitches."

"I suppose..." Ghostface replied, anxiously tightening his grip on his backpack.

"You'll be fine, though," Freddy assured. "Freshman year is just getting to know you're way around. Hopefully Sophomore year is simpler. I'm just not looking forward to Junior year. I heard that's the year everyone is depressed."

"Aren't we already depressed?" Ghostface asked, half-jokingly.

Freddy chuckled a little. "Yeah, but that's the old man's fault, not the board of education." He stopped at a corner.

"Is this it?" Ghostface asked.

"Why else would I have stopped?"

"Good point."

The two of them stood in silence, mainly because Freddy didn't seem like he was in the mood to talk. Ghostface didn't want to make him mad. Truth be told, Freddy was the only one who was truly there for him. The last thing Ghostface wanted to do was do something that could anger Freddy and result in him turning his back on him.

After a while, a school bus pulled up and opened its doors. Freddy walked forward with Ghostface nervously trailing behind him like a lost puppy.

Freddy immediately sat in the front seat, away from all the others. Ghostface hesitantly sat down next to him.

Freddy gave him a look that said "You can literally sit anywhere else."

"I just don't know anyone that's not you," Ghostface mumbled.

Freddy sighed. "Look, at school I have a reputation for being a loner. I don't want to appear soft in front of others. Got it?"

Ghostface nodded and took the seat across the aisle.

The bus continued to roll down the streets, picking up more students.

Ghostface took mental notes on who was left to pick up.

The next group was three girls. Two of them were older than the other. They all had pale skin and long black hair. They were wearing white from head to toe. One of them kept her wavy hair out of her face, a junior. Another one had her perfectly straight hair only covering one eye, also a junior. The shorter, younger one, just had her somewhat matted hair completely covering her face, a freshman.

Next up was what appeared to be a group of misfits. The eldest was a blond girl wearing a pink sweater and jeans with white sneakers. She seemed as anxious as Ghostface was. A senior. Next to here was red-head girl with a black v-shaped streak in her hair. She was wearing a white crop top, black leather jacket, red jeans, and black heeled boots. She was also wearing white fingerless gloves. She seemed stoic, slightly irritated to be there. A junior. With them was a pale skinned boy wearing a colorful hoodie and pants. He had unruly red hair. He actually seemed excited. Also a junior. With them was a sophomore with  short brown hair, her bangs kept out of the way with a hair pin. She was wearing a sweater with a skirt and stockings. The look on her face was unreadable. Another sophomore was with them with dark brown hair, a red sweater, jeans, and sneakers. He did not seem like he wanted to be there. Lastly, was a pair of freshman. One of them was a gray-haired boy with a stained brown t-shirt, ripped jeans, and bright yellow eyes. He seemed irritated to be there. The other seemed happier to be there. He had shaggy brown hair with white streaks, a red hoodie, and black jeans. His eyes were dark brown.

Lastly, was a pair of boys. One of them had a deformed face and shoulder length blond hair. He was wearing a t-shirt that said "CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE" in blue letters with jeans. He seemed anxious. The other had an expressionless face, his jet-black irises blank. He wore a navy t-shirt and jeans. His messy brown hair was hanging down to his shoulders. Both are sophomores.

The moment Freddy saw the deformed boy, he shot a glare. The blond glared back.

"Surprised your mommy didn't walk you to the bus stop, Momma's Boy," Freddy sneered.

"At least I have a mom," the other boy shot back.

"Jason, ignore him," the brunette said, completely emotionless.

"What the HELL did you just say, Hockey Puck?!" Freddy shouted, standing up.

"F-Freddy, calm down!" Ghostface said, not wanting to see a fight break out.

"The rat finally got a handler," the blond - Jason, based on what the brunette said - snarked.

"THAT'S IT!" Freddy yelled, charging forward.

"BRING IT!" Jason yelled back, holding up his fists.

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" an extremely short freshman with ginger hair chanted.

However, the brunette got between the two boys. "I don't believe this. It's only the first day of school and you're already at each other's throats! Just ... back down and leave each other alone."

"Tch," Freddy grunted. "Whatever, Audrey."

Ghostface saw "Audrey" give his older brother an icy glare. "You better watch it. Leave us alone, Krueger," the brunette growled.

"Aw, man. So much for a fight," the red-head pouted.

"Oh, shut up, ... um ...." Jason growled, only to realize he didn't know the freshman.

"Charles Lee Ray," he said. "Chucky for short."

"Shut up, Ray," Jason said.

"Jeez, this school year is gonna be just as chaotic as ever," said the junior with the unruly red hair.

"Tell me about it," the female junior said, arms folded over her chest.

Ghostface noticed they were right behind him. "S-Sorry about him. I don't know what his deal is."

The boy smiled. "It's not your fault, man! Krueger and Voorhees just like to go at it sometimes. Not sure why."

"Wish I could say. Freddy's never mentioned him to me. And ... we're brothers."

"Brothers, huh?" the girl said, looking at him closely. "Well, I see the resemblance. Brown hair, blue eyes. What's your name, kid?"

"Tim Krueger. But you can call me Ghostface."

"Nice to meet you!" the boy said. "I'm Pennywise. This is my sister, Christine."

"Nice to meet you!" Ghostface said, smiling a bit. "Um ... who's everyone else?"

Pennywise pointed over to the rest of his group. "The blond girl is Carrie, the brunette with the skirt is Annie, the brown-haired boy is Jack, the two freshmen are our youngest siblings, Cujo and Churchill, but we just call him Church."

"Wow, you have quite a family!" Ghostface said in awe."

"We're not really blood related. We just kinda took each other in," Pennywise explained.

Christine gave a nod.

"The blond your brother was picking a fight with was Jason. He's the captain of the hockey team. He's actually a pretty nice guy. He and Freddy just don't get along. His best friend is the brown-haired guy. That's Michael. As you can see, they're sitting with the long-haired guy with the yellow shirt. That's Jedidiah, but everyone calls him Bubba or Leatherface," Pennywise continued. "Closer to the back, you have a pair of besties. The one with the black wavy hair is Kayako. The one with her hair covering her one eye is Sadako. The last one must be Sadako's little sister, Samara."

Ghostface nodded a thank you and tried to get all the names down. This was definitely going to be a bit of a challenge, keeping track of everyone.

Either way, this year was definitely going to be hectic.

Ok, that concludes the first chapter! Let me know your thoughts!

I doubt this will get popular, so I'm not sure if this will continue. Who knows

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