╰┈➤ Prologue

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"I'm not helping you with China for now."

"But he's already claiming the West Philippine Sea! I need your support!"

"And I'm not sending warships to the sea. China might think I'm starting a war." America puts his hands together, places them on his desk and leans forward. "I never want him to take what's yours too, Philippines, but we cannot force him. Our armies aren't ready to fight against China."

I just can't believe it.

It's been months since China's ships began passing our sea and kidnap or kill my fishermen. I asked America to come over my office for a while and talk about this. I badly want some suggestions from him on what to do because I am too weak against China. My land is too small for a country like him. I needed support.


It's just unbelievable. My head hurts at this moment. America is one of the coumtries that can fight against China. Why does he look so afraid right now?!

"I... want to get rid of him." I repeated my words.

"If China said he wants it, he's gonna get it whatever the cost. And you know what he can do! We were schoolmates back then. He used to punch you-"

"Reminding me of him bullying me won't help me at all, America!" I shouted with my hand slammed on the table. "Such a son of a bitch." I whispered it to myself while leaning back to my chair and looking away.

He was silent for a moment before asking me, "What did you just say?"

"I said the words of anger." I resisted myself from repeating my words. I don't like verbally hurting other people either. "Can you just... leave, America?"

We had a moment of silence first. I heard him clicked his tongue before standing up from his chair and open the door to leave.

"Close the door, please."

"I know." Then, he slammed the door close.

. . .

. . .

Multiple personality

I massaged my head hoping it would ease the worries I'm having for my country. It is being taken away from me again.

The history might repeat itself again.

A mental health condition
of having two or more
separate personalities...

It's been years since the last war we've been. The sound of the cannons and machine guns are still in my head.

America is always making me feel worse! He did remind me of what China did to me back then.

Yes, America. I remember it very well.

It's... painful.

My heart always race when I think of it... and the Spanish Empire... America, himself... The Japanese Empire.

The whip. The elctric chair. The death march.

The blood. The rain. The sea.

The cuts. The bruises. The-

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