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Inugami's POV

Time is hard to keep track of here with all this mist. I feel like it's been a few minutes of walking and the fact that we can't look back because of this fog isn't helping either.

Regardless, we kept our push forward as we eventually came across a small building. Attached to the building was a gate that covered the way forward but to our left and right, there seemed to be two more ways. In the middle of all this is a statue of a mother cradling a baby that sits atop a pedestal and benches that surround it.

The fog made it impossible to see through so i guess we'll have to inspect them up close.

Before going into the fog, i decided to check the building itself. The door to it was locked but to the side was a window which suggest it may be a security checkpoint of some kind.

Well i guess there's nowhere else to go. The gate is locked and there's no way we can climb through those steep rocks.

Inugami "well we need to go down these paths. There's four of us and two paths. How about we split up two and two?"

Akira "wah?! Why do we need to split up?!"

Inugami "so we can finish up sooner. Or maybe you'd rather stay the night here?"

Shiki "n-n-no way! Akira! You go with Kabane!"

Akira "huh? Why do you get to choose?!"

Shiki "because Kabane is less likely to prank you while we're here!"

Akira gave it some thought. I wouldn't have pranked him anyway as everyone's already on edge but it would make sense for him to go with Kabane who looks to be the one still keeping his cool though im sure he's still somewhat scared of the situation.

Akira "all right, fine! But i get to choose the path we go to!"

Shiki "choose away. Not like we could see anything past this fog."

Akira "i choose right!"

Shiki "fine by me."

We only began walking down our roads a little bit before Akira shouted again.

Akira "wait! I choose left!"

Shiki "ugh!"

We switched oaths and got down a bit farther until...

Akira "wait! I choose right! This side looks scarier!"

Shiki "make up yor mind already!"

Akira "uuhh i don't know! Kabane, you choose!"

Kabane looked around a little before finally looking at the statue of the mother.

Kabane "i choose right."

Shiki "fine! But this is the last time!"

*Kabane's POV*

We walked down the path on the right a bit. Everything looked just the same to me. All covered in fog.

Akira was holding onto my arm as we walked and eventually he asked me.

Akira "Kabane? W-why did you choose the path on the right?"

Kabane "because that's where the statue was facing. I didn't know which side to choose so i just went with whichever had some sort of clue."

Akira "oh. O-okay. That makes sense..."

Eventually, we walked into a playground of sorts. A large dead tree in the middle with a swing tied to it's branches, a teeter-totter, couple of benches placed around the area, an easel and what looks like a small house. Oddly, everything looked chared. I guess it lines up with what Inugami-san said about there being a fire that broke out here.

I walked over to the small house with Akira following close behind me and tried to open the door. It was locked.

Akira "well haha. It's locked. Let's go back now. Nothing to be found here."

Kabane "wait! There's a key over at that bench."

I walked to the blackened bench while Akira waited near the door. Grabbing the key and unlocking said door made it creak loudly as i opened it.

Akira "this is really scary..."

Inside we saw what looks like a small dining room. We didn't find anything out of the ordinary but there is another door at the back of the room. Opening it and peeking in, we saw a room for what looks like art supplies. Bottles of paint, paintbrushes, easels, empty picture fraims and canvases. Over in the corner, i saw a painting of something.

Going closer revealed that it was a painting of a small boy on the swing. The garden in this painting looked green and full of life. The land was grass and the trees that surround us are brimming with leaves. Some even have fruit.


Akira suddenly screamed as we heard a noise of something dropping. He was in the room with me so it couldn't have been him...

I calmed Akira down and told him to stay in this room. I slowly walked past him and peeked out the door to see...

Shiki and Inugami-san.

Shiki "it took you two way too long! We got the key already!

I looked at Shiki's hand. He was holding a stone arm. Then i remembered that the statue in back at the cross-roads was missing an arm.

Akira then peeked past me.

Akira "Shiki! You scared me! Don't make sounds like that!"

Shiki "i accidentaly pushed a can over. It dropped. Come on already!"

Akira "hmph!"

After making it back to the statue, Inugami-san stood on a bench as he inserted the statue's arm back into it's socket.

We heard a few mechanical noises before the gates behind it creaked open.

Inugami-san "well come on! We still got a ways to go. How are all of you holding up?"

Akira "not well..."

Kabane "im okay."

Shiki "let's just get this over with."

Inugami-san "alright. Let's go."

We all then began walking down the path again. I stopped and looked back for a few seconds as something struck me a as a bit odd.

Shiki "oi! Kabane! Come on!"

Kabane "huh? Oh coming."

I quickened my walk and got back with the group. Something was different back there. I could have sworn that the baby was looking towards it's mother when we first entered. Now... it's looking at us...

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