Kit Harrington and Batman

Start from the beginning

"You must be feeling so lucky!" Carter said in excitement.
"Yeah, sweetie, you seem more excited than me." I said and he smirked.
"Oh! So I am sweetie now?"
"I say sweetie to soften the blow."
"So you wanna soften the blow for me?" He asked and I smirked at him. That asshole knows his way with words. I just shrugged and went back to my work.

We came to the lunch together and I sat down with my gang. I saw him following me and I looked back and stared at him.

"What? I am your friend, I can sit with you guys right?" He said with those puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. But I would be lying if I said he didn't look adorable with those eyes. He sat with me and my friends eyed my suspiciously. Emma gave me a you-will-tell-me-all-the-details-later look and I nodded my head.

"I am Mark Reed." I was talking to my friends when I heard his voice. I turned around to find him introducing himself to Carter.
"You are not Batman. You don't have to go around announcing, 'I am Batman'." I said and everyone laughed.
"Okay first of all, I was just introducing myself because I will be sitting at this table from now on and secondly, why the fuck would Batman introduce himself. Like a guy showed up in a Bat suit and what am I gonna say? Oh! He is carman!" He said doing appropriate voices and we all laughed out loud. I saw Mark staring at Carter so I decided to interrupt.

"Uh Carter, this is Mark. Remember I mentioned he taught me how to fight?" Mark pulled out his hand for Carter to shake and he gladly took it.
"Mark, this is Carter, the new guy in school." I said and Carter looked at me.
"That's it? New guy in school? You called me sweetie and babe!"
"Oh no she says that when she is trying to be nice to someone she obviously doesn't want to." Mark explained and Carter looked at me for affirmation. I shrugged and went back to eating. They all talked about school work and upcoming football match and I noticed that Mark and Carter get along pretty well. I smiled at that. I like Carter and his carefree stature and not that I was asking for it, Mark's approval matters to me. When they started talking about K-drama and K-pop, I quickly zoned out. I don't remember what I was thinking when I felt a soft nudge on my shoulder. I got out of my trance and saw a guy looking at me nervously. He was standing next me and he looked familiar.

"Hey I am Nathan, we are in art class together. Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked looking uncertain.
"Sure." I said and followed him. We walked towards the door of the cafeteria and he came to a halt.
"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked getting impatient. I wanted to go back to my friends and my food. Yeah, I eat like a pig.
"Um, so I heard that you broke up with Taylor um... so I was wondering if uh... You know.... You would like to.... I mean if you are okay with it..." I rolled my eyes at how adorable he was being.
"Nathan, are you asking me out?" I asked and I saw him turning into a legit beetroot.
"Uh yeah?"
"You don't sound so sure."
"I meant yeah."
"Sure, I would go out with you." I saw his eyes practically falling off his socket.
"Why are you so surprised?"
"I don't know. I just wasn't expecting you to say yes. So how about tonight?" I thought about it. I did have my bakery to manage but I guess I can make some time out for it.
"Great. I will pick you up at 7." He said and took off. I saw him dancing in the hallway and I chuckled. When I came back to my table, my friends were staring at me waiting for an explanation. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"He wanted to ask me out." I announced and I saw six grinning faces and one scoff from Carter. I ignored him. He has been behaving weirdly whenever I am around guys and that was starting to piss me off.

"Damn girl! He is cute too." Sofia said.
"I know. He is in my arts class. He was so nervous when he asked me out. I had to finish the statement for him." I said and chuckled.
"So when is it?" Mark asked. He seemed a bit on the edge as well.
"Tonight. He will pick me up at 7."
"Damn girl! We have to help you get ready!" Mia said and I shook my head furiously.
"No no no! None of that. Last time you guys did that, I looked like pink panther. My date ran away straight from my door." I said and Noah, Carter and Mark laughed while Mia pouted.
"Fine! But atleast we will select your clothes else you will walk out in these same ones." She said looking at my jeans and T-shirt.
"I was planning to go like this. What's wrong with these?" I said innocently and they all exchanged glances and shook their heads.
"We will be there at 6." Ashley said and started a new conversation leaving no room for me to complain.

Nathan and I stood in front of my house after our date. He came exactly at 7 and took me to a classy restaurant. We talked about many things and it was nice. But that's the thing, it was like any old school dates, dinner and movie. I was bored to death. Nathan's a nice guy but he doesn't seem the right one for me. Nevertheless, I would be damned if I let one date decide everything.

"I had a great time." He said and smiled at me.
"I had a nice time too." I returned the smile. He came close to me and I realize what he was doing. I didn't mind kissing him but the only thing that I care about is is if I really liked him enough for it. I didn't want to lead him on but I don't want to dump him just after our first date but-

Before I could figure out what to do, I felt his lips on mine.


Nathan kissed Olivia!!!!! Now what!? Oh crap I am the writer😂

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