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Now for the positions available in this community (at the moment)! Right now there is a specific amount for each position, but this WILL change, so if it looks like a position is full, still apply because may still accept you!

If you do not necessarily want a position, that's okay! Just stay interactive with the community and utilize the resources we offer. Spread the word of this community if you can! (:

*Note: You will only be accepted into one position! This way, more people can be involved

- Admin (1/1): There will be only one admin for this community! They are given the task of helping oversee the community and bring attention to any issues that need resolving, which will be reported to the founder (simpleindulgence). They will be considered the second in command! Who knows, maybe in the future we will need more than one admin (:

1.) eliclipsevia - Olivia

- Graphic Designers (5/5) *FULL*: Graphic designers are given the task of digitally creating any banners, book covers, stickers, logos, etc. for the community. This is a super important role for the community!

1.) _Enchanteress_ - Aleena

2.) Hipponiffler - Hipponiffler

3.) -prongsology - Mimi

4.) -lovestcry - Medilyn

5.) IndigoKnight_ - Indigo

- Promoters (0/5): Promoters of the community are in charge of spreading the word or our community in any way that they seem fit. They can post about the community on their message boards, talk to others who are lovers of the wizarding world, reach out to more prominent Wattpadders for a shoutout, etc. Again, this is a very very new community, so we need all the help we can get! *Recommended for those with less experience*






- Reviewers (3/5): The reviewers of the community will work with fellow writers (those writing about the Wizarding World) and give honest feedback and corrections that will help improve their story. The book for this job will be created VERY soon.

1.) b-blnkspc - Amelia

2.) -iceeyoo - Celina

3.) HP_Always_THG - Ember

4.) DontCallMeNyphadora - Azure


- Judges (4/10): The judges of the community will judge the books entered into our various awards/contests. If you are a judge, there will be no biased and no discrimination (more rules can be found at the awards book *coming soon*). If you are a judge, you are MORE than welcome to enter your own book, but you will not be able to judge in that category.

1.) Daisy_Vince - Daisy

2.) WitchyPrincessAvani - Ava

3.) Hp_fan1268 - Anya

4.) TheCarolineSofiaxX - Caroline







- Interviewers (2/3): The interviewers of the community are given the task of staying in contact with contest winners and give interviews for the hall of fame book (AGAIN, coming soon). They are super friendly and have experience with asking the right questions during said interviews!

1.) AstaraCameron2468 - Melody

2.) sinfulboba - Paw


*As always, PM us or comment on this book if you have ANY questions, and good luck!*

If you think that more positions should be added, let us know here! ->

The Hogwarts Community (HIRING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora