CHAPTER 4: Slipping Through His Fingers

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Mew read and re-read the note over and over as the week progressed. One foolish action had tainted his image in Gulf's eyes. Mew hoped that by the time they see each other again, Gulf would have calmed down somewhat so he could apologize again and begin mending fences. When Sunday finally came and went and there was no Gulf, Mew couldn't keep his cool anymore.

"Has anyone heard from Gulf?" he asked the Mew10s who had been trickling back to the Jongcheveevat acreage to prepare for the next phase.

"No..." P'Jeed said thoughtfully "But I miss him though, my little pookpik"

The rest nodded, echoing her sentiments. They missed Gulf, especially teasing him.

"He's taken next week off too" P'War responded. "He sent a mass email with things to work on and documentation for the next phase though. Such a thorough guy."

"That's Gulf for you" P'Phupha chipped fondly "Did you expect anything less?"

"Hail Kanawut" P'Plappod cheered, his hand coming up in salute.

"Hail Kanawut" the team chimed gleefully.

Any other time, Mew would have found this endearing. The team saluting their youngest, acknowledging his Gulf and his contributions. However, the only thing registering in his mind was that Gulf is not coming back. Yet. There was still hope, right? Mew knows that with the job offer Gulf had signed on as a Mew10 with him for 5 years, that should be consolation, but it wasn't. He knew that if Gulf decided he wanted out, Mew would not be able to stop him. Knowing the reason, Mew only had himself to blame. He hoped though that Gulf would return, so with that thought in mind Mew sought out P'Best.

"P'Best, is Gulf not back yet?" he inquired flippantly trying to conceal his anxiety. Much to his chagrin, P'Best confirms what War had already told him.

"Oh! I forgot to mention, his Poh needed some help so he took another week off. He should be back by Friday based on our last correspondence. He sent work for the team and has made headway in the preparations for Wave II" P'Best stated, trying to reassure Mew that everything was taken care of despite the lad's absence.

"I'm not worried about Wave II, it's just weird not having him here. The team misses him" Mew offered.

P'Best felt warmth spread in his chest as he recognized the yearning in Mew's voice. Gulf had made an impact here. P'Best often worried about him, being the youngest and often alone but now he sees he doesn't have to. The team adores him and so does the President.

"He'll be back before you know it. He never starts anything he won't finish" Best assures him. Mew is comforted since he knows for a fact that Gulf would never disappoint his P'Best. Ever.

With so many plans underway and never-ending interviews, Mew finds himself drowning in a pool of fatigue. By Tuesday, his internal turmoil catalyzed by his desire to see Gulf had gotten the best of him. He gets P'Best to summon Gulf back to the Jongcheveevat acreage by Wednesday stating an emergency. When Gulf finally walks through the foyer of the mansion, Mew feels the knot that has been tormenting him all week release. His eyes hungrily feast on the lad from where he's perched on the main landing. Gulf doesn't notice him as he immediately connects with P'Best and P'Hai to assess the situation. After a quick debriefing, his eyebrows drawn together, Gulf gives a curt nod before letting the others know he'll join them as soon as he puts his luggage away. His ascent to his room is interrupted by the one person he was hoping not to see just yet. Gulf hadn't resolved his feelings, in fact distance had only served to make the heart fonder.

"Governor" Gulf acknowledged him politely before side stepping him to march on to his room.

Ouch Mew grimaced, looks like Gulf still needed more time. He will be patient; in all honesty he was afraid of "rocking" the boat for fear of losing him. He was simply grateful to have him here with him. Sighing in despair, Mew went back into his study to try and catch up on the mountain of work that awaited him.

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