Eight (END) - The Soulmate and The Final Boy?

Start from the beginning

Dream hummed, not bothering to properly hide and instead stand in the middle of the hallway. It was only lit up by one window at the very end, and the open doors of adjacent rooms. He heard Techno counting and the declaration of him being on his way.

He'd not put up with marrying this guy. No- he'd not put up with any of it.

He saw Techno climb to the top of the stairs and they stared down. "Oh come on- you're supposed to hide-" Dream had the baseball bat behind him and the second Techno came close, he delivered a swift blow to Techno's knee, watching the other fall back with surprise.

He'd told it to himself before, but now he really meant it, swinging down to try and smash Techno's skull in. The pinkette moved away and emerald eyes got a good look at one of the green hearts on his soulmate's arm. He got to see how it seemingly fizzled away.

He stepped back to give himself time, staring down at how one of his own pink hearts did the same.

A stupid smile spread across his face.

He had the courage to finally say it out loud. "I'm not stuck in here with you, Techno-" He raised the bat up, watching the killer scramble back. "You're fucking stuck with me!" He swung, missing and watching the man dart into a separate room.

He didn't dare go after, enamoured by the fact one of the hearts had gone away.

He really did have a chance.

Dream wasn't a violent person by any means, and he found himself shaking, retreating elsewhere into the house.

He crouched down behind the couch, eyes on the front door.

The lights in the house went out and he tried to stop himself from breathing so heavily. He didn't know where Techno was, he saw him go in one direction but he could be somewhere entirely different now.

The footsteps he heard confirmed that, along with the humming.

The words that weren't there mocked him and his mind was clear.

Love me, Love me,

Say that you love me...

He hit a hand against the side of his head. He had a bit of a head start in this game. He's the one that called for it. He was the one that'd be victorious. "I thought you said you weren't gonna hurt me?" He risked speaking to scurry behind the kitchen counter.

He didn't want to admit it, but he was scared of death, scared of getting hurt.

"I thought we had a moment last night." The voice was somewhat muffled and Dream knew why. A single eye glancing around the corner showed the man masked and clothed- ready to kill and looking the exact same that he did before.

The only difference was his hair.

Okay, the shaking was worse, a hand over his mouth. It felt just like the other night now. Felt just like a year ago.

The only difference was that he had a weapon that wouldn't involve getting way too close.

It was a good thing he was still in shape, hopping up behind and on top of the counter.

This wasn't hide and seek. It was hit and run. He caught the killer's attention and gave him a proper kick to the face, running back off. The back of his sweater was grabbed and he was yanked towards Techno, caught in a choking headlock. His hands came up to try and pry the arm away.

Techno was relinquishing his rule to not hurt Dream. The more hearts that dissipated from both of them, the clearer his own mind became. He didn't love this blondie in the beginning, things only changed after the soul-mate mark finally appeared.

It was seemingly deleting itself and he could feel Dream tense against him, shaking. He watched the bat drop to the floor so the blonde could get a better grip.

Strangulation wasn't his preferred method, but it was easy. It kept the skin intact too for later, just slightly bruised which could be suspicious.

But he didn't feed people the skin, he had nothing to worry about.

They didn't truly love each other, neither of them did. It was the mark swaying their thoughts the whole time, forcing them together.

Dream quit scratching at the arm that changed to hands over his throat to grab the vase from the coffee table.

He smashed it against Techno's head and he was let go, dropping to his knees and coughing.

The blonde was quick, grabbing his bat and running to try and recuperate. It was nearly a perfect repeat of last time, just in a new location. A glance down at a pale arm showed that there were only about 14 hearts left. An even split between pink and green.

He patted at his bruised throat, wincing and pulling his fingers away.

He grabbed at the string around his neck, pulling on it hard enough to strap the cord and throw the ring somewhere into the hallway.

He stared down at the ring on his finger he had been neglecting, silver that contrasted the gold on the engagement band.

He stared down at the engraving while he sneaked away to the stairs.

Dulcis Somnii

Latin and a gift from his mother after he'd been attacked the first time. When he wore it, he never had nightmares directly after the encounter. It seemed to lose its 'magic' around a week before the anniversary.

Right, his family was still alive; he started muttering saying sorries to the empty hallway that were meant for his family.

Sweet dreams are made of this,

Who am I to disagree?

His feet were loud as he went upstairs, wearily opening the bathroom door. Techno was apparently downstairs, turning the TV up loud enough that Dream could see the walls slightly shake.

He cornered himself in the bathroom..

He quickly fixed that mistake, running back in the hallway to see Techno slowly walking towards him, ruby eyes cloudy. That window he was next to looked perfect, smashing it in with the bat. An escape route if need be.

He wasn't scared of bleeding, just scared of the pain and the death it could cause.

I traveled the world,

And the seven seas...

The blonde had been stupid enough already. He'd relinquished his status as the virgin, with his pursuer nonetheless, in his own eyes he was doomed.

It was just like before, stalling until the cops arrived.

He feigned having the strength to properly fight back, pulling a glare and stepping so his back was flush with the broken window.

Everybody's looking for something...

No matter how many times he managed to hit Techno, the man was always back up and walking. "Why were you after me in the beginning anyway!" His voice was hoarse from the rough treatment of his throat, swallowing after hurt due to soreness. He grabbed one of the pictures off the wall and slammed it into the carpet, hitting it with the bat and watching the glass shatter.


"Your father-" He was stalking down the hallway, but at least Dream wasn't completely cornered.

Some of them want to use you,

Some of them want to get used by you...

Fight or flight responses weren't gone. They'd combined.

Some of them want to abuse you,

Some of them want to be abused...

Synth chords, they echoed through the house with the sounds of the chorus repeating itself.

The blonde smiled and cracked his neck, knuckles following before he was back into a fighting stance. It felt like the soundtrack to a fight scene, tapping his foot in time with the music.

Sweet dreams are made of this,

Who am I to disagree?..

He started bobbing his head up and down somewhat, test swings. The corridor was long and it was just building anticipation. Techno was drowned in darkness whenever he wasn't near an open door. "Fuck my father-" He started running towards Techno, noticing the other speed up in pace as well.

(1) The Heart Doesn't Lie, But the Soul Sure Can Kill | DreamnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now