Onto the point

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Let's talk about Draco Malfoy and how well he treated Hermione.
We don't see much interaction between these two in the first year. The whole drama was between Harry and Draco tbh. But in the second year.... that's where it's becoming interesting.
At the very beginning of the book (this is not for movie watchers sry), in Flourish and Blotts, our trio comes face to face with Malfoy. He obviously starts annoying them. His father comes in and he says that he knows a lot about Hermione and her parents from Malferret.
This tells a lot. So it turns out that Dwaco has already talked about Mione with his parents (this only shows how he was not abused at home lmao). He probably told them how she is a m*dblood and that her parents are muggles, nothing good overall.
Later in the book he calls Hermione "M*dblood". Ron was the only one who stood up for her. Since this is not called "Why I love Romione" I won't talk about that a lot but this does not mean it's not important. So Draco made Mione cry. Yasss shippp!!! (Lmao no)
Later, when Harry and Ron drink the Polyjuice potion and go to the Slytherin common room as Crabbe and Goyle, there is a one particular scene that Dramiones try their best to forget. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Malfoy wished Hermione Granger death. AND AGAIN Ron was the only one who stood up for her (I can't help it).
I've never been in a relationship, but for one thing I'm sure: lovers don't treat each other like that. We shall continue.
In the third year Draco became a drama queen and NEARLY got Buckbeak killed, leaving Hagrid devastated, Hagrid, Hermione's friend who she cared about a lot. Ofc he got his reward for this attitude (cough punch in the ugly face cough).
In the fourth year he made Mione's teeth grow long and laughed in her face about it along with Snape (hate him btw). He helped Rita write her articles along with Pansy who this fandom also ships her with :3
Hermione got physically and mentally harmed because of him and Rita :) WAIT HOW COULD I FORGET KSNFBDMDK-
In the beginning of GoF, when the death eathers sexually assaulted an innocent muggle he said that seeing Hermione like this would make quite a good show I-
Anyways, moving to the fifth book. So Ron and Hermione
got their badges and became prefects yassss. But ofc our BeLoVeD Dumblemumble made Draco and Pansy prefects as well -_-
When Draco joined Umbitch's personal army idk (how was it called OwO)and got more privileges he started taking points from Gryffindor for no reason cuz why not :> He took points from Gryffindor because Hermione "is a m*dblood". Let's not talk about how he exposed DA because it wasn't just Hermione. And also let's not talk about how at the end he was enjoying them being tortured 😃👍
In the sixth year Draco was honestly on his shit and him and Mione didn't interact much.
So in the seventh book he let Hermione get tortured while Ron, ThE hEaRtLeSs MoNsTeR was screaming her name and begging to get tortured instead of her. They nearly killed each other at the end too-
So as you see, Draco treated her GrEaT :D
Hello guys! This is my first article here!❤️ I will appreciate if you vote and leave comments (don't hate pls). Friendly debates allowed. Stay tuned for the next part! Bye ily all and stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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