My Rose.

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I was in bed all day,away from Johnny until he sorted his shit out. The mark on my face finally disappeared,thank God.
I've been in bed,listening to sappy love song from my favorite band.

Johnny had called iver a million times. It's weird, we're in the same house and he can just barge in whenever he wants but he respects my privacy too much.
I ignored all his calls,all his shouts from the door and downstairs.

"Darling,you need to eat". The sounds came out muffled as he knocked in the door gently.

My heart broke when he called me that. I missed him so much but I had to stay strong. I was angry at him and he had to realise that.

"Rave..." He trailed off and I heard him sigh. I heard footsteps leaving.

Again,the phone rang and it was Lily calling.
It's like she senses when I have a problem. I put on a happy face and answered the phone.

"Go for Raven".

"Rave! Hayo stranger! Was just checking in ya! Are you at home? I wanna come but you guys just bore me with your buddy stuff".

"No no no,please come. I need you right now".

"Is my dad okay?"

"Yes,lils. Of cause. Just abit ...angry with him he messed up so now I need company".

"Cool! We can do some shopping or whatever! Chaio! See you soon girl!" She nearly yelled my ears off.

"Chaio". I said lazily and hung up.

I needed a shower, I looked like a slop and probably smelt like one too.

To avoid Johnny,I crept silently but stopped in my tracks when I spotted something red.

A pettle?

Then I looked ahead and saw another one,and another one. Reaching all the way to the rest of the hallway where there were pettles EVERYWHERE! And at the every end of the hallway were pettles that spelt out

I M   S O R R Y.

It was very crookedly structured but it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
I stood there,mouth agap as I stared at the pettles scattered across the floor ever so beautifully.

"I'm fucking sorry,Ray. Please forgive me. It'll never happen again. I ruin everything I touch. I don't wanna ruin you too,my rose". He whispered, intertwining his hand with mine.


My heart stopped when I heard the door open.
I laughed nervously.

"I called Lily..."

"Woah! What's goin on here!?" She yelled from the lounge.

"You put pettles in the lounge too!?" I whisper shouted, nearly wanting to kill him for being too sweet.
He shrugged,giving me an innocent smile.

"Do you?" He asked,bifun his lips as he looked at mine.

I sighed.

"Of cause I do,idiot". I hit his chest,Lily's footsteps drew nearer n dwe were fucked.
I hope Johnny has a quick lie cos I sure as hell don't!

"Ray Ray!! Dad? Warent you too like...mad at each other or something?" She asked,pointing at the two of us with a confused face.

"Hence the roses!" He yelled,showing her the small note scattered on the floor.

"Come on dad! That's like...for married couples but aww". She kissed his cheek and patted his shoulder.

We watched her disappear in the kitchen.

"You told her!?" He whispered shouted.

"Yeah but only that we weren't talking,I needed someone since you were an asshole!"

"Okaaaaaayy?" Lily gave us weird looks as we straightened ourselves like people from the army.

"I'm so confused with your relationship right now". She raised an eyebrow.

"Wh-what do you think we are?" Asked Johnny,running the back if his neck and laughing nervously.

"Well if it were secret lovers I'd probably kill myself,you guys are just weird as friends that's all". She shrugged and took out her phone.
We gave each other knowing looks.

We're so dead.


"You're what!?' I yelled abut too loud,I cupped my hand over my mouth in case Lily heard.

"Darling". He sighed ,wanting to wrap his arms around me but I pushed him away.

"Don't Darling me right now Johnny. How long have you known about this?" I asked,moving further away as I cleared the pettles up.

"A week".

"A week,a week and you never told me you're going to London for how long was that now?"

"A few months".

I dropped the pettles.


Wiping my tears,I disappeared in my room.
Men can be so stupid,that explains why he got so angry and slapped me by mistake.
He was confused and upset.

I don't want him feeling like that,we just sorted things out and now we're fighting again.
Why was this happening? What were we doing wrong?
Maybe we were just....wrong for each other.

The door swung open, revealing a pissed off Johnny.

"Stop doing this". He ordered, walking towards my bed.
What he said confused me I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram until...

A hand swiped it away,I saw it fly against the wall and it's pieces scattering everywhere.

"Johnny what the fuck!?" I yelled,jumping off my bed.
I had my hands in fists,I was getting pissed with this guy right now.

"Stop fucking...feeling sorry for yourself and just talk to me damn it!!" He yelled, throwing lamps and vases off the table.

His drunk.

I sighed.

"Go to bed Johnny, you're just fucking drunk". I gave him a straight face,this shit face better get me a better phone or I'm making a scene.

"Drunk huh? I'm n-not fucking drunk". He pulled me in and gave me a sloppy kiss,smiling like an asshole.

I left the room,not wanting to deal with his problems.
So,I escaped to the belcony.

The next morning:

I woke up laying on wooden floor, the sun nearly blinded me. I just really didn't wanna see Johnny right now so I stayed there abit longer.
I missed him, I missed how he hugged me and kissed me in the mornings.

I stretched and heard my bones crack.

"Please come back inside". He begged, almost scared to come near me.

"I will,but not because you told me". I walked passed him and hit his shoulder in purpose. I thought I won but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a kiss.

I was angry,angry at the fact that he thinks he can do something wrong and think that a kiss would fix it.
Pssh,not with me.

Sneaky w/ my best friend's dad [Johnny Depp]Where stories live. Discover now