I only realize the mistake when I am airborne. Why am I such an idiot?

I close my eyes ready to die, but suddenly I get hit on my back from a stray shot, and I am thrown against a wall. I gasp as I feel it crumbling at the same time it breaks my aura and then I brace myself seeing the ground getting closer.

I hit the ground and I scream when I feel blinding hot pain radiating through my leg, I grip tightly the handle of my sword and with tears in my eyes I look down my body. I was lucky enough to have the big chunks of wall falling around and over my legs and hips, leaving me free to move one of them, but the other... it's not crushed, but I see clearly the small metal beam going through my fucking leg.

"Nerys!" I hear Beau screaming.

"I'm- I'm fine!" I lie as I lean my head on the concrete, trying to keep my breathing steady.

"Liar! Hold on, I'm coming!" He replies. I hear him hitting another robot and I look at him as he destroys one and parries a clawed hand of an Ursa, but then I watch horrified as he gets shot on the back by one last Knight and the Ursa grabs Beau by the head and hurls him to the robot and neither gets up.

"Beau..." I feel something wet sliding down my cheeks, then a growl close to me.

I turn around to a Griffon, the last one of the group I faced, who's slowly approaches me. I raise my trembling arm, trying to come up with something. If I used my trip, I would risk leaving my leg here or dragging everything with me... Fuck, Beau, please tell me you are fine...

With a cry the griffon jumps on me and bats my sword away, I look up terrified and I cover my face bracing for an impact...

That doesn't come.

I look up and I see a short person in front of me with their arm out and a familiar sword  deep in the chest of the Grimm, as it disappears in the air we hear the Ursa approaching and my saviour forms a glyph under her and she jumps, coming down, her hood falls showing the snow white hair while she cleaves off the head of the Grimm.

After a beat I whisper, "Winter?"

She turns around and she kneels by my side. "Nerys, are you okay?" I raise an eyebrow and I point to my leg, she looks through the hole and I notice the small disgusted look that crosses her face. "Can you move your foot?"

I groan as I try to clench and unclench the fingers and then I relax. "Y- yes."

She nods and then she summons her Beowulf that starts moving the chunks of wall. "Don't worry, I'm getting you out of here."

I cry out as the summon moves the beam. "Fuck my life!"

She winces and when the hole is big enough for her she calls for small glyphs and she slips halfway in under them, I watch her using some ice dust and then she shatters the metal and part of the rock freeing my leg and she helps me move away. When we are both out she lets the glyphs disappear and she drags me on the other side of the road. "Alright, I'm going to look for something to wrap around your wounds-"

She stands up but I grab her wrist. "Wait, check on Beau, he was over there..." I point to where I last saw him but I can't see him.

She frowns and she nods, then she jogs away, I look at her trying to distract myself from my wounds and the metal sticking out of my leg. She kneels and then she stands up shaking her head.

When I look down I finally realize I have been crying all this time.

Winter comes back to me with a first aid kit she probably stole from an abandoned shop and she starts cleaning around the beam. "I'm sorry."

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant