Who Is This?

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"Y/N Y/L/N." A voice in the dark clucked. "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Wait... I'm not dead... Fuck... WHERE AM I... Who the fuck is this?...

Your eyes struggled to adjust to the light. From what you could make out, you were in a basement. The room was dark and made of concrete. Lit up by one single bulb hanging from the ceiling. In front of you was a metal table with a tray of medical instruments.

This can't be good... I need to get out of here...

You glanced down at your body. You had been strapped to a metal chair. Thick shackles bound your ankles and wrists to the arms and legs. They had also strapped in your upper arms, your hips, and there was a wide collar around your throat. They had also stripped you to just your nude underwear. The metal of everything was cold, and you were shivering.

"One might have assumed that you would be easier to capture, given your reputation," it said.

"Well, fuck that. There's a lot you don't know about me!" You called out in all directions. You strained your head to try and get a look around and find where the voice was coming from. The collar was digging into your throat and cutting off your breathing, so you had to stop.

"Oh, I know that. That's why you're here and not dead."

So they were going to kill you. They should have. You were never going to cooperate. Not with your capturers. You didn't even know who they were. SHIElD maybe. Or the CIA. Those were your best guesses. Or possibly the Russian mob. But that was a long shot. You had made it a point to stay on good terms with them. SHIELD and the CIA, not so much. If anyone had captured you, it would be one of the two. Possibly even them working together.

"You should've killed me then."

"But then the world would never get to know the story of Y/N. I bet it fascinates even you."

"Who are you?"

"I am Nicholas J. Fury, head of SHIELD." He stepped into your view. His leather suit and eyepatch intimidated you. He was making a point. He was in control. You were nothing. "SHIELD stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, we-"

"Fury. I know what fucking SHIELD is. You don't need to tell me. I'm not fucking stupid."

"I know that."

He was driving you insane! Your whole body might be bound, but your fingers weren't. You flashed your middle finger at him. Fury calmly walked over to you and slapped you across your cheek. You winced at the pain and grimaced as your skin burned from where his hand was sure to leave a mark.

"Since you know SHIELD so well then, you should be well aware of the fact that we get what we want. And we want all the information on you." He pointed at your chest as his words danced out of his mouth and rubbed salt on your cheek.

pSure Nicky." you mocked. But deep down, you weren't sure. If you didn't give him what he wanted, you would definitely be in for a long ride. He was going to keep you alive long enough to get what he wanted.

"With that attitude, you aren't going to get anywhere." he warned, "Goodnight, Y/N."

He picked up a syringe filled with purple liquid. Your heart started hammering in your chest as he flicked the needle and walked over to you. He gave you a forced smile and stabbed the tip into your bicep, and walked back into the shadows.

It hurt way too much for a typical shot. You smirked as you realized that Fury made it hurt more because he disliked you. It dissipated off your face as icy-hot pain shot out through your heart and flowed through your bloodstream. Everything froze for an instant before you once again fell back into darkness.

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