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[a/n: The setting of this story is hundred years later, where technology is already an essential item, everyday items from today's have evolved into environment-friendly technologies, and papers are already extinct, which led the setting to a more nature-vibe view.]

As long as there's an ending in summer, the upcoming year will begin.

As long as there's a beginning in the forthcoming year, summer will end.

However, that doesn't mean everyone is brightly waiting for the upcoming year.

In other words, those who don't look forward to another year remain grey.

Those who chose to stay as grey are never interested in life's energies.

Be whatever it is; studying, playing, even falling in love.

People who are "grey" exist.

I sighed while looking at the window. Meh, that was a dark one.

"I expect you to have that kind of thoughts, Eli." He seated me in front of my desk then started sipping the tea I bought.

I gave him sharp looks.

"Whatever it is; studying, playing, even falling in love. I can't imagine you doing it all. Well, except for that 'playing' part." He added.

"I know my priorities." I defended. "I don't want to waste any...."

"Energy saver, is it?" He cut my words and pointed his finger at me.

I slightly tap my documents onto my table to fix them and put them all in my file case. "You understand me so well."

He gave me a smug look.

"I advocate environmentally friendly energy saving. I don't need anything that won't benefit me, and if I need to do something, I'll do it quick and simple."

"...Yea." He hesitantly replied. "But are you fully aware that you haven't sign in to any club?"

"There's no club that gotten my interest. I just want to go home immediately."

"That won't do. You need to sign up on at least one club."

I frowned. "When is the due?"

"You still have less than a week to decide."

I suddenly think of a club wherein there's nothing to do. "What club are you in?" I asked him.

He smiled, stood up, and started walking out of the room. I grabbed my bag at the side of my desk and followed him. I saw him taking the stairs walking upwards. Many people are in the hallway today; we have a week to decide and sign what club we want. That's how they start this school year.

'Student Council'

I read the signboard on top of this room's door.

I frowned at him. "Don't drag me here."

He silently laughed. "I know, this isn't suited for you." The sliding door suddenly opened automatically. "Sorry for the intrusion." He bowed.

"Thank you for letting us in." I bowed as well, as a sign of respect.

"No need for the formalities, guys! We are all freshmen!" The woman extended her arms as a sign of welcoming, then laughed. "Oh, congratulations for making it in the student council, Kai!"

"Here is my friend, Eli." He introduced me.

"Oh! Welcome!" She smiled. I bowed my head once again as an acknowledgement.

"What brings you two here?" She asked.

"I just followed Kai," I replied, which made Kai laughed.

"Sorry about him, Miss Sunny. I am here to get the certificate from the leadership seminar yesterday."


"Please type your name here." She offered her seat in front of the computer desktop. From where I am standing, I can see the virtual certificate.

I can hear his typing sounds while I roam my eyes around the student council room. I can completely notice that this school has the newest technology; floating laptop and desktop screen, self-projecting smartphone screen that only this school provides and can only be used inside the school premises, it is advanced as what the alumni says.

Kairo Beau Yotsuba.

"It's done." Kai lightly tapped my shoulder.

"Here, your certificate." Sunny handed the techno certificate.

It is a two-piece magnetic metal, which, when opened, the writings and visuals will be projected.

"Thank you, Miss President." He bowed and pulled me towards the outside. I lower my head for the last time before letting the door close on its own, coincidentally seeing her smiling face.

"Congratulations again on being the Vice President, Kai!" She shouted for the last time.

Vice President?

"Sunny Dallas, the newly elected President for Freshman." He introduced her as we walk into the hallway.

"You're the new vice president?" I asked, ignoring Sunny.

"...ehe." He scratched his head, looking away.

He sighed. "I was also elected as the representative of the whole freshmen course."

I put my hands inside the pocket of my pants.

"I know what that means...," He, pertaining to me.

I just ignored his remarks.

"... you want to go home already."

"Hm." I nodded my head.

He laughed. "You shouldn't have followed me."

"You didn't tell me not to follow you," I commented.

"Eli." He seriously called me.

"Hm?" I remain looking straight at our pathway.

"I think I know where you should sign up." He suddenly stopped walking. I looked at him, waiting for what he'll say next.

"If that club failed to recruit at least three members, it will be disqualified and won't continue anymore." I nodded and continue listening.

"Join the Ageless Literature Club." 

99 (English)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora