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"What's the game plan?" Peyton asked me and I shrug.

"To let us help." A new voice said and Peyton and I turn to who said that and get ready to fight, but soon stop when we realized they were other pops.

"Who are you guys?"

"I'm Flowerpop, from the K-pops! My team is off doing a mission, so I'm the only one available to help!"

"I'm Rosiepop, part of the rappops. Here are my teammates, Coral, and Gold.(Note: I didn't add Halo in yet because she would have still been working for the bunglers, and such, she will still join don't worry!)

"I'm Topazpop, here is my team, Sapphirepop, Rubypop, and Opalpop. We're the Latinpops!"

"Well I'm Lightningpop, and this is my.. well.. one of my teammates Powerpop!" I smile at the Latinpops, K-pops, and Rappops.

"Nice to meet you!" Peyton bowed.

"Okayyy Princess Power, enough." I chuckle, and Peyton elbows me.

"Princess?! What?!" Topaz asked Peyton and I.

"Long story."

"Ahhhh." Sapphire nodded as we continued  to get to know each other.

"We need a game plan." I sigh and start trying to think of one, starting to panic a little.

"Calm down, we'll ge them back L.."

"What if we don't Power?! What if I fail to get them back?! What happens if we never see them again, it would be all my fault!" I yell, tears brimming in my eyes.

"How would it be-" Before she could finish her sentence I head to my dorm and start to cry, but then I heard a very loud noise coming from Emma's dorm area, so I head over there to see Emma, Finley, and Chloe, destroying her place. Well, not destroying it, just, redecorating it? With everything bad looking, I guess.

"I'm sorry, what are you guys doing?!" I quietly mutter.

"Oh! Layla, so glad you could join us.." Emma snickered.

"Haha.." I say as an idea hit me. "Cosmic, let me into your mind, please, I need to talk to the real you."

"Why should she?" Finley glares annoyed at me.

"Cause if I wasn't a pop I could easily tell everyone here that you three are the superpops and are under a spell." I smirk.

"Ugh fine." She let me into her mind and I see nothing.

"Chloe.." I mutter, and look around trying to find the real Chloe. "Ugh! I'm never going to find her!"

Before I could search any longer, I get
back to reality.

"See, the real me is gone! And no one can bring her or any of us back. So give up Layla."

I sigh, it was pretty obvious that she wasn't kidding but, I knew I couldn't give up.

"You know what, I would give up, but I can't, you wanna know why? Because I am a superpop, and we can't be stopped!"

"That's right!" I hear Peyton say as she teleports next to me along with the other pops.

"How many pops are there?!" Emma groaned.

"More than you." Peyton laughed.

"But they are more older than these guys." I sigh.

"Finley?!" Flowerpop turned to, well, Finley, really shocked.

"You know her?!"

"M-Mhm.. Flash was one of the k-pops before something happened." She sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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