"Is that them?!" I asked Patricia, who was walking to the window too.

"I hope so. . . No. It's not. The others took the truck." She sighed. We walked out and saw Shane and Lori. Lori was all bruised and beat up.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Little miss 'I Can Go Looking For Them Myself', here got herself in a car accident." Shane said. Lori rolled her eyes. Carl ran up to Lori and hugged her.

"Did you guys see the others?" I asked.

"Wh--Shane said they were back. . ." Lori said, glaring at Shane.

"Oh. . ." I put my hands on my forehead and walked back into the house. I took a deep breath.

"They'll be back." Carl said. I turned around and nodded.

"Yea. . ." I whispered. "They will. Your dad. Glenn, Hershel, Daryl. They'll all be back soon." I said, telling myself more than him. He nodded.

"Can we go look for them?" He asked.

"Did you see what happened to your mom when she went to look for them? We can't do that, Carl. I'm also not exactly the best driver ever." I told him.

"But you drove to the store for runs by yourself. How is this different?" He asked. I sighed.

"Because it was light out and I knew where I was going. It's dark and I don't know where they are. Trust me, I really want to, but I can't. Sorry." I said. He nodded.

"Okay." He said quietly.

"Okay. Did you eat anything today?" I asked. He nodded. "Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Yea." He nodded. I nodded and walked into the kitchen. I tossed him a granola bar and took one for myself. I decided to grab one more and we walked outside.

"Hey, T!" I shouted. He looked back at me and I tossed him a granola bar.

"Thanks!" He shouted. I smiled.


I woke up alone in my tent.

"Still not back?" I asked out loud to myself. I stood up and walked outside, fixing my hair as I walked to the fire where everyone was cooking and eating breakfast.

"Hey, Jasmin." Carol smiled.

"Hey. What's on the menu today?" I asked, sitting against a tree by the fire.

"Eggs and bacon." She smiled.

"Yum." I chuckled. She passed me a plate and I began eating.

"They aren't back yet?" I asked. Lori sighed.

"Nope." She said. I nodded, looking down at my food, suddenly not as hungry.

"Jasmin! Mom said that dad's gonna teach me how to shoot when he gets back!" Carl said, running up to me.

"Woah, cool, buddy!" I laughed, giving him a high-five. He sat down beside me and ate his eggs.

"What, no bacon?" I asked. He made a grossed out face and shook his head.

"Ew no." He said.

"What?! Bacon is amazing!" I said, earning a chuckle from him. I laughed and ate a few bites of my breakfast. I heard tires approach the farm.

"That's them!" Carl said. I quickly stood up as everyone got out of the car. Carl and Lori hugged rick, Maggie hugged Glenn, Hershel walked over to Patricia and told her something.

"Daryl?" I asked.

"Right here, Jas." he said, getting out of the truck. I smiled and ran to him, hugging him.

Don't Let Me Go (D.Dixon)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن