"One day, over dinner, he incessantly talked about a girl. He will mention her name to Ayala, and his sister will willingly listen then probe him questions."

"Rex sure is a chatterbox." I said, not wanting to ask who the girl was.

"You're that girl, Ivy."

"I hope he didn't say embarrassing stuff about me."

"Oh, no. You're too perfect for him to be flawed."

"Then, one Friday night, if I'm not mistaken, he went home all smiles. He was standing at the front door, still holding his school bag. He suddenly blurted out, "Mom, I think I just found myself a wife." Perry was the first one to laugh at him."

"He said that?"

"I kid you not. He did. The following week, he introduced you to everyone in the family."

I could clearly remember that time, when I thought he went crazy talking of introducing me to his family. First, the fake birthday celebration of his mother, and a month after day I got to meet his relatives.

"Perry was wondering what Rex could have done to have you."

"But we're not together."

rRachel's reaction was full of surprise. "He hasn't asked you yet?"

I shook my head. "Not even once."

"I was with him when we bought the gift. He'd planned to give it on your birthday, and also to ask if you want to make your relationship official."

"He gave me books."

"I was sure it wasn't a book, Ivy. We didn't buy books."


Asis stayed at the garden with his pet Benjie. We were just about to talk over a serious matter when a girl, younger than our age, showed up from the other side of the garden and grabbed my hand. She said she was going to borrow me for a while as if I was a thing. Startled, I didn't know who the girl was and what she was up to until she introduced herself as Ayala, Rex's younger sister.

"I thought he was kidding when he said you'd be here today. You're real! Perry would have to clean rooms for this." she said, dragging me into the house, passed the living area, and into the kitchen.

I had no idea what she was talking about.

Rachel was there, slicing the cake I gave her. A guy was sitting across from her. He seemed surprised to see me or it was just what I thought.

"Ta-daaaah!" Ayala exclaimed, letting go of my hand. "She's real, Perry. Flesh and bones and all. See? Do you believe now?"

The guy must be Perry. What a weird name, I thought.

"Who are you?" he asked, brows furrowed. He didn't seem nice to me. He was like the History professor I hated for one whole semester.

"Ivy. I'm Ivy Grit."

"I told you. Your surname must be Conde, right?" Ayala asked.

I nodded.

"He's not making things up, Perry." Rachel said. "Ivy is not a made up name."

"Uhm, I'm sorry for the trouble. He told me today is your birthday. So, I brought a cake." I said. Still embarrassed to greet her a happy birthday.

"It's not a big deal. I do love cakes."

Ayala laughed hard. "He doesn't change a bit. That was the same excuse he used with Catherine."

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