Chapter one- Welcome home kid

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        "Y/Ns coming home today" Steve yells running up to the Curtis house. He practically bust through the front door. The only people there are the Curtis brothers which was weird because it's usually the whole gang. Steve looks at Darry who is in his usual chair reading the paper, "Darry can I borrow your car to pick up my little sister?" "Sure." He stands up from his chair, "but if that car has a single scratch on it. Y/N will be the only Randle sibling left." Steve laughs and and takes the keys from Darry, "Hey bud, mind if I come with?" Soda chimes in before Steve reaches the door.

       "Sure man." There was sort of an awkwardness to this, even though Soda and Y/N ended on good terms they practically avoided each other like the plague those two months before Y/N left for school.

      Soda throws his arm around Steve, then Steve pushes Soda out the door and off of him. They both laugh and head to Darrys car, Steve in the drivers and Soda in the passenger. "Ya know, Y/Ns gonna want that seat. She'll be pissed if she has to sit in the back." Soda laughs, "I know, I'll just move when we pick her up."


          Your P.O.V

      I just got off the plane with one purple suitcase, I have the biggest smile on my face. That smile quickly fades when my asshole brother is not here to pick me up, even though he was supposed to be here an hour ago. So it's just me and some homeless guy singing for money in the lobby of the airport, he's actually really good. He singing Hey Lover by The Daughter of Eve. He walks up to me and offers his hand for me to dance with him, he'll what do I have to loss.

      I grab the guys hand and we start to dance as he sings. I hum along, I suck at both singing and dancing so I let him lead. He's quite handsome, but not my type. He dips me as he sings and as I'm in this random mans arms I see my brother and....Holy shit, Sodapop Curtis both looking at me, Steve kinda looks disappointed with his arms crossed and his eyebrows are owed towards each other, which is funny coming from Steve. But Soda he has a little smile on his face, I use to love that smile. As soon as I see them I break from the mans arm and give him a tip, 25 cents to be exact.

        I grab my luggage and walk up to my brother and Soda, "Hey boys." I go in to hug my brother but he shakes his hard, but then grabs my shoulders "You know how dangerous it is to dance with strange men?! You could have been kidnapped or worse." He pulls me in for a hug, "I swear you gonna give me a heartattack one day girl." He says in my shoulder, I laugh. Soda also laughs, Steve finally lets me go and takes my bag as we head to the car.

      I feel an arm land across my shoulders, thinking is Steve I look up to expect my brothers ugly face. It's not, I see a movie star "We've missed you kid." Soda says avoiding my eyes, "I've missed y'all too, Soda." I look over at my brother and he has this awkward look on his face, a look of if he had seen his best friend put their arm around his sister who they also use to date.

      Oh wait.

I hate your guts kid { Dallas x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now