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“Ayato, have you found your handkerchief??”

“Yeah, Mama!”

It is the morning during my first day as a third-year in junior high school. Everything is exciting for me. There's only another year till I'm in highschool and I can have the best teenagers life. Dating, making best friends, and all that jazz.

“Here, your bento! Be careful out there, okay?” I was on my way to the front door when Mama stopped me and hand me my bento box.

“Ahh! It's omelette! My favourite, yay~” I opened it and saw a message omelette.

Good luck on your first day! Was what written on it.

“Awwh, thanks Mama! You're the best!” I hugged her tightly till she pat my back out of breath.

“Wait, lemme see here. You're horoscope of the day is... You're going to meet new people and your life is going to change today!” Mama fished out a colourful horoscope book she got from out neighbour.

“Wow, that's good! But aren't our family the type that doesn't believe in these fortune-telling and supernatural stuff??” I recalled back to our modern granma and her modern thinking as I put on my loafers.

“Yes. It's just that Mrs.Sato kept begging me to at least read one reading, once a day to you. She said her chi is out of balance~” Mama was imitating Mrs.Sato's voice and it was perfection.

“Hahaha! You sound just like her! Anyway, I'll be late Mama! Bye and love you!” I quickly grabbed my school bag and kiss her cheeks before running out of the door.

“Bye, sweetie! Have a good day!”

I runs along the street for a good fifteen minutes and slow down when I'm reaching a corner leading to my school.

“Ah I'm late for—” before I even realize it, I had bumped onto something or someone at the corner of the street just like a typical anime protagonist.

“Ugh, my head... And my butts!” I fell on my butts and my head is aching from the pain I received by bumping into him.

“Um sorry I was—” once again I was cut off from my words as I looked up at the person I bumped into.

“I'm sorry too... Uh, I was looking at something else when I uh, hit you...” it was a guy around my age with hair and eyes as dark as a midnight sky. Can I just say that he has the prettiest set of eyelashes?! So handsome and beautiful at the same time. I could just stare at him all day from the ground here.

“Uh, are you okay? Did you hit your head too??” he asked as he hold out a hand for me to grab on. He's helping me?! This ikemen is helping me like a black prince trying to save his princess, gahhh!

“Uh, yes, no, I mean yes! I'm okay! Better than okay actually, thank you!” I'm sure I was blushing while this guy pulled me up with one swift. I just hope he didn't hears how hard my heart is pounding. Well, who wouldn't when an ikemen like him is holding your hand?!

“Are you sure? Your face is so red?? Did you have a—” he was staring all over my face making me feel embarrassed than I had before.

“Ahh! No no I'm okay, just today's kinda hot! Yep,” I laughed awkwardly at the end and the guy looks more confused than ever.

“Hot? But it's only February??”
(A/n: I don't really remember when do the Japanese school's first term begin T_T)

“Uh, I mean! I was running and out of breath— uh anyway, what's your name??” before I make myself look more stupid, I changed the subject and try to get to know him at the same time.

“Uh, um... I'm Fushiguro, Fushiguro *sigh* Megumi. Please don't laugh...” he introduced himself but he looked stressed about it.

“Oh, can I call you Megumi-kun? And why would I laugh at you?” I tilted my head confused. Megumi-kun sighed more and I think he had sighed more than an old man did.

“... It's my name. Megumi is a girl name don't you think?” he looked at me analysing my face.

“Ohhh. I think Megumi is a cute name, oh but it also sounds cool if you think about it!” I smiled gently at him as I realized he was ashamed by his first name.

“There is no need to be ashamed of your name, I think it's wonderful! My name's Asakusa Ayato! It sounds masculine right?” Megumi-kun nodded subtly and seems to thought about it more.

“Ayato, huh? I think it's pretty. Thank you, Ayato.” Megumi-kun was smiling and complimenting me at the same time?! Oh my god and did he just said my first name?! I can die happily right now~

“Oh sorry, I called you by your first—”

“Oh no, it's okay! I called you by your first name too right? So it's only fair for you to call me Ayato!” I said quickly, well maybe I said that too fast since Megumi-kun looked confused but he smiled nevertheless.

“Uh, I remember I have to search for someone. Well it's nice to meet you, Ayato. Maybe we'll meet again.” Megumi-kun gave me his final smile before going off in the opposite direction of my school.

“Y-yeah! It's nice meeting you too, Megumi-kun!” I called out to him and waved as he looked back at me smiling.

“Wow... Megumi... kun. He's cute...” I whispered to myself as I looked up at the sky recalling that smiling face. It soothes my heart~

“Aghh, I'm late for school!” I resume my run as the school bells rang throughout the compound. I ran towards the gate where a school guard almost closed it. I jumped over the line as the guard closed the gate behind me.

“Fuh, save!”

Contract With A Beast X Jujutsu KaisenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora