CHAPTER 3: The Kingmaker's Mistake?

Start from the beginning

Mew's feet of their own accord propelled him towards Gulf. He sat beside him on the bed and caressed his tousled hair like one would a beloved child.

"Are you well rested?" his voice was but a whisper

"Mhmm...but not as much as I would like to be" Gulf purred and stretched, his movements sensual.

The action, never lost to Mew, had him feeling very athirst.

"You should take a week off starting tomorrow and unwind" Mew offered. His eyes were soft, tenderly caressing the young Kanawut's beautiful face. Confused, Gulf turned a scrunched-up face to Mew and quickly turned away, shy to be in such close proximity to him.

"I- I'll be okay..." then he quickly turned back to Mew, Bambi eyes wide "is everyone getting the week off?"

Mew pinched his nose fondly "Is everyone here?" Mew mocked with a high-pitched voice. "Just you."

"Then I'll pass. I don't want special favors" his cheeky smile did nothing to calm Mew's raging desires.

"You've earned them"

The raspy voice coupled with the look Mew gave him, left no doubt in Gulf's mind that he was once again in treacherous territory.

"How?" No.

Gulf knew better than to open Pandora's box. Why did he entertain this conversation, encourage it? He needed an out fast. Fast before this interlude becomes the very undoing of all the good work they've built together.


"Never mind! Never mind...I don't want to know" Gulf waved his arms, getting up from the bed trying to create some distance between himself and the soon-to-be President of the Republic of Thailand. Regardless of what the polls say, to Gulf, Mew was a winner. The most deserving of the position.

Before he could make a clean escape however, he was grabbed by the waist and thrust against Mew's muscular chest. His hold on Gulf tightened as the young lad tried to wiggle out of his ironclad embrace.

"What is it that you don't want to know?" the deep baritone against his ear sent shivers down Gulf's spine.

"Please...let me go" Gulf's soft whisper belied his plea.

"I just want you to know how you earned that week off over everyone else, is that so wrong?" Mew's questioned would have warranted a serious answer from Gulf until he nibbled Gulf's ear playfully. Teasing him. Seducing him.


"Uh-huh, uh-huh. You had it right the first time" Mew chuckled, trying to bring Gulf to look at him. His head remained bowed focusing on Mew's fascinating chest. He didn't want to be so timid around him, but he couldn't help it. The governor made him feel shy. Especially when they were alone. Gulf felt like an open book.

"Come on, look at me. Gulf look at me" Mew coaxed even as Gulf shook his head and evaded the hand that kept trying to lift his face up.

When Mew finally kissed Gulf's forehead, it earned the reaction he wanted. Gulf's head shot up at lightening speed.

"Hey!" he exclaimed bringing up his hand to rub at his forehead where Mew had planted a kiss.

"Can I tell you now?" Mew's eyes bore deep into his, transfixing him to the spot. He nodded. His big eyes drawing Mew in more than he'd ever care to let the world know. He was drowning in Gulf.

"I've been staring at you for a while now and it's getting frustrating..." 


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