He came to me...

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Is there a word to describe how I'm feeling right now? I know, disappointment . Exactly the word I was looking for. I'm disappointed, in myself, my so called parents and of course myself.

I can't believe I fell for this whole love shit.. I mean when we were in Nigeria I noticed something was off, they started sleeping in separate rooms, and let's not forget the arguments. Every night, it even affected my sleeping patterns.

I should have guessed that something was wrong then, always the idiot lolade gbemi Matthews .
When we moved to New York from Nigeria I was excited. A little bit sad because of course I'd miss my friends , the culture and everything.

It was hard at first but when I started schooling here I got the hang of it. I even made new friends; Natalie and Ben . We'd always Skype with Iwalewa ,my bestfriend in Nigeria. So yh, things were working out well for me.

Until, I heard from my uncle that my parents were getting a divorce. Not like I heard tho, I was going to the balcony and I heard my mum and my Uncle Kunle talking about it.
I didn't know how to react I mean, it was shocking but I left the house and decided to confront my mum later.

During dinner that day, I brought it up when I was sure  my junior brother Tayo was asleep.
'Hey mum' I said as I approached her with the dishes.
'Gbemi is something wrong, don't tell me you want me to do the dishes again. I've warned you, you're a lady you should learn how to...'
'Mummy it's not that okay?..' I cut her off quickly.

'Ohhh? What's is it then?' She asked with raised eyebrows as she moved to rest on the counter..
'I heard you and Uncle Kunle earlier..you mentioned divorce. What's going on?' I asked as I stood near her , the plates long forgotten.
'Oh my you weren't supposed to hear that' she said with a shocked expression .

'But I did, what's going on with you and daddy?' I asked her
'Let's go and sit dear' she said and moved to the dining room .

After sitting down, 'okay I'm all ears' I said
'Gbemi I want you to know that I want what's best for you and Tayo, but your dad and I are not working. I've tried to be the parent you want me to be ...but it's not just it for me anymore dear. I love you guys so much and no matter what happens, I don't regret giving birth to both of you. The reason your dad and I are taking this step is because we're not happy together. He made some terrible mistakes and I'm sorry but I can't oh my God.....' she broke down, I have never seen my mum this heartbroken.

She always had this perfect smile and all that
'Ohh mummy , you should have told me sooner. It's fine mummy, I'm with you on any decision you take' but that day, we both know I was lying..I was devastated and the thought of having a single parent scares me.

My life changed since that day, I couldn't sleep, I just kept thinking about how love is disgusting.
Currently, I'm with Nat and Ben in the school cafeteria.

'So your birthday is next week, any plans Lo?'Nat asked with a silly grin on her face...Natalie is a very beautiful white girl, with a slim frame , perfect blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

'Ummm I haven't thought about it , we could go out to a club or something. Whadu ya think Ben' I directed my eyes to Ben's seat at the far end of the table, where apparently is a good spot for peaking under girls skirts.
'Errr I don't know Lo , it's your birthday afterall .' He shrugged and resumed typing on his phone .

'Well, I think we should throw a party. In my place what do you think Lo?' Nat asked and big blue eyes staring at me
'Isn't that too much?' I said
'You'll be 18 bitch of course it's not too much. I'd start planning byeee' she hopped off her chair and dashed out, going to the arts room to plan whatever.

I looked over to Ben to see that he has left the table too.
Wow what nice friends I have
'This seat taken?' I heard a deep raspy voice in my ear and jumped nearly falling off my chair.
'Ummm no' I replied blushing and the guy took a sit in front of me.

He is light skinned with the brightest green eyes I've ever seen, it's like they could see through your soul. With light brown hair and in all he's like a God. Lean muscles covered in his black shirt.he was a walking sex machine.

'I'm James' he said with a smirk and took one of my fries and popped it into his mouth.
'I I'm Lola' I said while looking at my plate .
'Look at me princess, you look so beautiful with that mouth of yours, you make me imagine the things it could do to me' he said with a low deep voice and I gasped and shivered oh my God that was so hot

'Umm I have to go I have class, see you later James' I said and ran out of the room and went straight into the bathroom.
What was that?


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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