Chapter 9

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🌷Earlier At school🌷

"Okay, here we are another year for school," said Phil. "Does everyone have their schedules?"

"Do we have to be here?" asked Tommy.

"Yes, you do Tommy. You don't want to live out on the streets with no women now do you?" Wilbur said.

"Fine I guess I could last through the day but I won't like it. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, we all know you say this at the start of every year. Oh, look there's Tubbo go on and say 'hi' to him," said Phil.

Tommy got out of the car and went to go talk to Tubbo.

"Ok, Y/n are you ready?" Asked Phil

"Yea, I think I will be fine. Bye see you after school," I said before I got out of the car.

I walked up to the front doors right as they open. I went inside and to my first class which was History. Our History teacher was nice and they were also funny.

When I got to lunch I ate. While I was eating someone came up to me.

"Hello, my name is Ranboo. What is your name?" A kid asked me as they sat at the table I was at.

"Hi, my name is Y/n," I told them.

After talking to each other the bell rang to tell us to go to our next class.

"What class are you going to?" Ranboo asked.

"I'm going to math how about you?" I said as we started going up the stairs.

"Same, so I guess I'll see you in class," he said as he ran ahead to talk with I guess some of his friends.

When I got to class I sat down and the teacher started the class. Halfway through the lesson, a kid threw a balled-up piece of paper at the teacher. The teacher turns around and asked who did it. Everyone pointed at a kid that you didn't know. After that, the teacher told the kid to go down to the office.

While the kid was walking to go out of the class he threw one more paper ball at someone but missed and hit me.

"Hey! Why did you try to hit me?" asked the kid the paper ball just barely missed.

"Hey, why are you complaining I'm the one that got hit," I spoke angrily at them.

"Okay, that's quite enough of that Y/n go to the office," the teacher told me.

"But I did nothing. I just got hit by the paper ball so I shouldn't be the one going to the office." I said back to the teacher.

"Excuse me? You will go down to the office right now and I don't what any complaining from you. Do you understand me?" She yelled at me.

I just nodded my head and went down to the office.

Once I got there one of the people asked why I was there so I told them what happened and they told me to just go and sit down and that the principal will be out to talk with me in a second.

Once the Principal got done talking with the kid that threw the paper ball I went inside his office.

"So as far as I know is that you got hit with a paper ball that was meant to hit a different kid. Yes?" he asked

"Yea that's basically what happened," I said.

"Okay, well I am sorry but I will have to send your parents an email and tell them what happened today," He said as he stood up and walked me to the lobby of the office, and told me to go back to class. 

Once school was over Phil came and picked me and Tommy up.

"So how was school?" he asked me and Tommy.

"I was f*cking awesome, Tubbo and I got most of the same classes together so we just hung out all day," Tommy said as we started on the drive home.

"I made a new friend named Ranboo and we have English, Math, and Art together," I told them.

Phil just looked at me and asked "Is that all?" I gave him a small and short glare but he saw and understood that I didn't want to talk about it.

Once we got home I went up to my room and flopped on my bed and turned on some music.


My phone went off.

-----------------Random number-----------------

Hey, this is Ranboo you know the kid from school.

Oh, Hi Ranboo how are you?

I'm good how are you?

 I saw how that one kid threw the ball at you how are you holding up?

I'm fine. I'm just listening to music right now.

Cool well, I'll text you later I have to go and eat dinner so have a good evening.

Okay, you too I have to go eat dinner too anyway.

-----------------End of Conversation-----------------

"Hey, Phil what's for dinner?" I shouted as I ran downstairs.

"I was going to make some rice and chicken. How does that sound?" He shouted back.

"Okay, is there anything I can do to help with dinner I have nothing to do anyway?" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Have you done your homework yet?" he asked.

"No, not yet but I don't want to do homework right now," I said.

"Go do your homework and then you can help me make dinner," he told me so I ran upstairs and went to go do my homework. We all got called down for dinner and ate. after dinner I went back to my room and finished my homework then went to bed.


Hey, everyone!!! How are we all? I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while. So Ranboo pog??? I love you all so please go eat and drink something, please. Have a good rest of your day/afternoon/night.

(Total Words: 940)

A sister??? (Sleepy Bois inc. x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt