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When my father visited, we did nothing but lay about all day. His servants would be all around us and they would serve us food and drinks. Occasionally as if driven by boredom Zeus would get a look in his eyes and glance over at me.

"Want to make someone feel as if they have gone insane?"

"How do we do that and why would we?"

"For fun and it's easy." Zeus's thunderous voice said, and he stood from his seat made of stone.

I shrank instinctively but Zeus did not notice, and I rose to my feet before he did. Raising my chin as Aphrodite had taught me and looking into his steely gaze.

      There was no way to describe my father except as a livewire. A storm within him at all times that may go off with the wrong word or a change of the wind. I never wanted to be on the receiving end. His servants seemed to think the same, as they gave worried looks to each other.

"Hephaestus shall be an easy target and nearby. Do not follow us." Zeus ordered everyone else, and he took my hand.

A zip of power, like electricity ran through my body and then we were gone. I blinked, at our new surroundings, we were in a cavern of sorts. Old stone walls with just enough sunlight from the roof to see by.

     As we moved, I heard the clinking and clanging of metals like a blacksmith. The changing of cold air to hot as well was almost stifling. My heart beat like a jack rabbits and a guilty feeling wedged into my heart.

"Are you sure about this father, Hephaestus is not like the other gods."

Hephaestus was kinder. He was also a lot more real then them. His beauty a little tarnished making some say he is ugly. In reality he had a misshaped nose is all but a beautiful soul. It must be how he was able to get Aphrodite.

     Though sometimes Aphrodite seemed lost even while she was with him. On days where they just came to see how I was; they would come together, and we would eat and drink. Sometimes during the day but sometimes at night.

      It was during those times I noticed a change. A deeper depth to Aphrodite then I, or anyone else realized. Hephaestus noticed it as well for he to would get a sad look upon his face.

"It's almost time for you to go." Aphrodite had said on one of these nights.

"Go where?" I had asked.

"You are to be the wife to Epimetheus. I hope you love him, for your sake." Aphrodite said but she did not look at me as she said it but looked to the stars, as if begging the fates or the universe to make it so.

"The fool gave man fire after Zeus took it away." Hephaestus muttered but Aphrodite gave him a warning look, and all went silent.

"If he wronged my father then why will I marry him, surely that will not go over well." I had asked.

"Or perhaps, things will work out just as Zeus wants them to." Aphrodite had said bitterly. Then she had turned with fiery eyes and locked hands with mine.

     "You do not worry about that though. You just do what's right for you. Live your life and be happy-and love-love with all you have."

I had blinked the memory away, and then I had been back in the present. With Zeus eyes in turmoil as he stares at me.

"I do not want to do this, not to my friend."

"Gods are friends to no one Pandora. Especially not mortals."

I try not to wince and stare harder. "Regardless I am his. Even if he is not mine."

"Clever, but soon you will see daughter that a one-sided friendships is no friendship at all."

Part 1 Pandora. The girl who opened the boxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang