part 1

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i've had this over sized purple shirt for as long as i remember. it was three little aliens for the movie toy story. i got it from a thrift store as a kid because toy story was my favourite movie. it was way to big for me but my mom let me get it anyways.

"eric come over here" elle calls out.
"im coming. im coming." i tell her. she plays with my dark hair, her nails on my head feels nice. i want to kiss her.
"did you hear about the party next thursday before the long weekend?" she tells me. "do you wanna go?"
"yeah sure. will you drive me?" i ask. i give her puppy dog eyes as joke. she slapped me.
"of course. but don't ever make that stupid face again." she laughs. she kisses me on the hand before leaving to go to class.

elle is my best friend. she's always been. she has nice long blonde hair, and a medium sized body. she's so insecure over it but i think it's amazing. she's perfect in every way. her green eyes are definitely the thing that made me fall for her.

after school we take the bus to my place. shes leaning her head on my shoulder playing on her phone. we take a cute snapchat pic and post it to her story.
"you're so cute when you smile like that" she whispers. i'm blushing. i don't know how to respond.
"uh thanks loser" i say. and i stand up and take her hand and walk off the bus.

when he get in the house she runs to the fridge.
"would you like captain crunch or froot loops" she giggles.
"froot loops." i thank her. she hands me my bowl of froot loops and we head to my room. we sit on my floor talking about school. when she's down she sits on my bed. she pays the bed telling me to sit on it with her.
"hey i've never told you this but" she starts. "but i'm bisexual." she looks at the ground. she looks scared.
"okay. thank you for telling me. i support you 100%" i tell her. why wouldn't i? she's my best friend. but i do feel sad. she most likely won't like me back.
we lay down and watch a movie. she falls asleep while i rub her back. my hands look so big compared to her back.
"i don't know why you thinks you're fat. you're not. you're perfect" i whisper.

my small green men shirtUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum