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"it's locked, potter.." draco said worried.
"What do you mean it's locked?" Harry said shaking
"Well..I think that git filch locked the damn door" draco said avoiding harry.
Harry sat in a corner of the tiny room, he was claustrophobic, and he knew it, after so many years of living under the Stairs, it was clear, and very uncomfortable, harry started shaking uncomfortably

And soon enough draco noticed
"Potter why the hell are you shaking, didn't mummy ever teach you to-"
Harry started crying, yes crying.
"I-" draco started

"No shut up! You don't know how it feels to be so uncomfortable in a tiny space! You've probably lived like a spoiled brat all your life! Not like me who lived under the Fucking stairs!" Harry started yelling at draco and crying,
Draco didn't know what to do, he was worried himself, could draco hug harry? Why wouldn't he..

"Do the alohamora charm you idiot!" Harry scowled at him
"I.. don't have my wand.. potter" draco said sadly
Harry buried his face into his hands and cried silently
Draco pulled up harry swiftly
"now what!?" Harry said angrily, still crying.
Draco pulled harry into a long hug
You could hear heavy breathing, and harry was enjoying their hug
Draco didn't say a word, but grabbed harry and sat in the corner of the small room and still kept hugging Harry, they didn't say anything they were too comfortable
"I'm sorry, potter" draco said smiling weakly at harry
"It's not your fault, I'm sorry!" Harry replied hastily
"Mhm..sure..." Said draco looking away
Harry smiled at draco
And draco smiled at harry
"You know, your a right foul git right?" Draco said smirking
"Wise choice of words after you decided to cuddle me." Harry said smiling 
"Pfft yeah whatever" draco said rolling his eyes
"-and you don't want me to tell umbridge about that stupid club you've got do you?" Draco wispered into Harry's ear
"Wha- how did you know about that!?" Harry asked turning red
"Well, I have my ways." Draco said smirking again
Draco slowly got to Harry ear and wispered "oh and I saw you Kissing chang, you guys are disgusting." Draco said smiling
"Git." harry wispered back
"Dimwitted arse" draco fought back
"Uhm..twit" harry said
Draco rolled his eyes and cuddled onto harry,
"Ew you smell poor" draco said sarcastically
Harry burst out into laughter "please! That's seriously you sometimes or maybe even you described in 4 words" harry started laughing
"Oh shut up potter" draco said groaning
Harry lay his head on draco's chest and draco closed his eyes and they fell asleep ✨

Stuck with you - drarry.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz