living on • george weasley • part one

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"Come on, Layla." Charlie said in almost a whisper. "Come with me."

Layla looked up from the rubble at her fiancé's older brother, Charlie. "We won, Charlie! Why do you look so down?" She smiled widely at Charlie, who looked away. The obliviousness of Layla to the situation he was about to take her too broke his heart even more. Tears brimmed his eyes as he grabbed her shoulders.

"Somethings happened, Lay. It's Fred." His voice cracked as he looked her dead in the eye. Layla had never seen Charlie cry, but as the words spilled from his lips the tears finally broke through too. Layla's ears began to ring.

"What?" She whispered, hoping this was some kind of sick prank. Fred had kissed her just a few hours prior, promising to stay safe. He had begged her to stay home, not to fight. He knew that wouldn't happen. They'd got separated during the battle but she had faith Fred would be fine. She knew he'd run to her soon with open arms, ecstatic they could begin their life together without dark magic.

Charlie led her into the great hall where she seen George. His eyes were swollen and puffy, he looked so empty. "Layla." He sobbed as she approached them. She seen a lump on the ground and froze.

"No." She whispered. "No!" She screamed a blood curdling scream, dropping to her knees. Molly ran over to her soon to be daughter in law and enveloped her in a hug. "No!" She screamed louder, sobbing into Molly's chest. "You all are lying! This can't be true." She broke free from Molly and ran to her fiancé's cold, dead body.

"Come on, Freddie." She begged, in denial. "Wake up. This isn't funny."

"Layla." George whispered, sitting down next to her. "Lay."

"Come on now, Fred." She cried, lifting Fred's limp head up into her lap. "Freddie." She sobbed, "I can't live without you." George grabbed Layla and pulled her into him, holding onto her as he knew Fred would want him too. "George, this can't be true. Please tell me this isn't true."

George sniffled, "I wish I could, Layla. I really do." The family watched as Layla brushed Fred's cold skin with her hand. She sobbed harder as she looked up at Molly.

"I can't do this without him, Molly." She sobbed. "I'm pregnant."

Layla had only just found out about her pregnancy right before the battle. She was reserved in fighting, but knew that her family needed her. She fought bravely, praying her baby would be safe. It was. She was planning on telling Fred as soon as the battle was over, but she never got the chance.

Fred, George and Layla had shared an apartment above the shop. They'd spent most of their time at the Burrow following Fred's funeral, but knew they'd have to return home eventually. As they walked through the door, reality sunk in that Fred really was gone.

A teacup sat on the coffee table in the middle of the living room and a "F" jumper strewn in the floor. A gesture that, normally, would've got on Layla's nerves. He never cleaned up after hisself. Now, she didn't want to move them. She wanted to eternalize those items exactly where Fred had left them. She slid down the wall, George coming in behind her. She held her knees to her chest, as far as she could, considering her growing bump, and sobbed.

"How am I suppose to do this without him, George? How am I suppose to raise my baby without a father?"

George slid down the wall next to Layla and sobbed hisself. His whole life, they'd been together. There was not a moment apart. A part of him died with Fred. He stared at the empty tea cup, then down at Layla. Her stomach was slowly growing wider and larger and George realized something.

"Look at me, Layla." He turned to her, holding her face in his hands. Layla tried to look him in the eye, but she found it hard to.. all she seen was Fred. "We have to keep going." She shook her head, but he cut her off. "No, don't say it. We have to keep going, Lay, because part of Fred is still here: a part we both need." He pointed to her stomach. "That baby is part of Fred, he is going to live on through them." Layla laid her head on George me shoulder and cried hysterically.

"I can't raise a baby by myself."

"You don't have too." George sniffled. Knowing Fred better than Fred knew hisself, he knew that Fred would want him to stand up in his absence and raise this baby. "I will help you raise them."

"George, I can't ask that of-" Layla began, but George shook his head.

"You're not asking. I'm offering. Fred wouldn't want you to be alone." George insisted. "I'm helping you raise this baby."

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