Molly's Secret Stash • Molly Weasley {request}

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Layla had always struggled with her weight. She was a bigger girl, she couldn't deny that. She was very self conscious about it. Ever since she began Hogwarts - she was sorted into Hufflepuff - she'd noticed all the slim girls prancing around, playing quidditch and flirting with boys. While she kept her nose hidden in a book and her body hidden by robes.

She befriended the Trio second year. Surprisingly, none of them had ever commented on her weight; which was shocking, considering Harry and Ron both tended to stick their feet in their mouth more often than not.

Someone who did comment on her weight was someone who seemed to have an unwanted opinion about everything: Draco Malfoy. Layla was walking with Hermione, just before the summer holiday at the end of their fourth year, when she accidentally bumped into Draco. Draco's puny frame was knocked down as Layla's shoulder hit him. "Oh, my. Malfoy! I am so sorry." Layla attempted to help the boy up, since she was actually a half decent individual. Malfoy, on the other hand, was not.

"Get your hands off of me, fat ass!" He growled.

"Malfoy!" Hermione scolded, knowing Layla would not take up for herself. Layla's eyes immediately filled with tears.

"Maybe if you'd lose some weight the rest of the student body wouldn't be in danger of getting pummeled." He laughed, licking his lips as if he was proud of his insult. Layla clutched her books to her chest and stamped away.

Layla had spent most holidays at the Burrow since her father died, second year. He was a muggle and was killed in a car accident. She lived with her grandparents who tried their best to understand her world, they really were great. Sometimes, Layla just liked to be with her own people. The Weasley's had taken her in with open arms.

The day had been spent playing friendly (or not so friendly) family games of quidditch, de-gnoming the garden and eating dinner; which Layla did not touch. She'd made a decision to lose weight this summer and rub it in Malfoy's face next term. But, she hadn't eaten at all today and she felt extremely weak.

As the Burrow calmed down for the night, Layla stayed up by the fire. Molly watched her out of the corner of her eye as she cleaned up from dinner. She picked up Layla's plate and noticed it had not been touched. Molly quietly cleaned while the rest of the children went to bed, leaving just Layla and Molly alone downstairs. "Layla?"

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley?" She asked quietly, eyes threatening to spill tears as her stomach grumbled with hunger.

"Molly, dear." Molly corrected with a warm smile. "Come here." Layla obeyed and came to the dinner table, where Molly sat across from her. "Why didn't you eat your dinner?"

Layla bit her lip. "I need to lose weight." She whispered. Molly's mouth formed an "O" shape as her suspicions were confirmed.

"Why, dear?"

"Malfoy-" she cried, "I'll never find a boyfriend. I'll never be happy. Everyone thinks I'm disgusting."

"Listen here, dear. Don't listen to a word that boy says. You're beautiful. Look at me! Arthur loves me just as much now as he did when he met me... and guess what?" She laughed loudly, such a contagious laugh that Layla's tears dried up. "I was fat then too!" The girls laughed hysterically as Layla's wiped her tears. Molly scurried off to her tea cabinet, pulling out a basket from behind the cups.

"Shh... no one seen this. Deal?" Molly smiled mischievously. Layla stretched her neck do see an array of every sweet honeydukes could've ever made. "I hide this from the children, they're vultures."

Layla and Molly sat at the table and ate until their heart's content, Layla feeling truly beautiful. There was something freeing in eating pure junk after trying to diet all day. She looked at Molly and realized, as long as she was happy and healthy, weight didn't matter. Malfoy's opinion didn't matter. She was beautiful.

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