"I'm really sorry Jay" I said barley over a whisper causing Jay to sigh and rub a hand across his face,

"Yeah well, sorry isn't gonna cut it this time Gracelyn" he said firmly as a few silent tears rolled down my face "of all the things you've done this has got to be up there with one of the dumbest" he stated,

"I didn't do it Jay, Charlie did" I defended causing him to shake his head in disbelief,

"That's not the point Gracie" he raised his voice "you should have been in class anyway" he reminded and I remained quiet knowing that he was right,

"Am I in trouble?" I asked nervously causing him to scoff,

"You bet your ass your in trouble Gracie, you've been suspended" he informed be causing my eyes to widen in shock "have you any idea what that means?" He asked "you're ten years old" he said like I didn't already know that,

"I said I was sorry" I sobbed and Jay started the ignition,

"Stop with the tears Gracie, if you wanna break the rules then you get to live with the consequences" he stated as I stifled my crying.

The drive back to the district was an awkward one and I guess Trudy could sense the tension as she buzzed us up without a sarcastic comment. We walked up the stairs and rather than leading me to the break room, Jay led me over towards his desk before pulling over a second chair and indicating for me to sit down. I could see the confused looks from the other detectives from around the room but they all remained silent,

"You don't move from this chair without my say so, understand?" He asked and I nodded solemnly,

"Yes sir" I replied before Jay sat down at his desk and continued with whatever work he had been doing earlier.

It was a long and boring afternoon filled with sitting and watching the people around me work before Jay announced that he would finish his paperwork at home,

"Get your coat on Gracie" he instructed as he walked off to the break room to retrieve his own,

"No" I frowned not wanting to face the music that I knew would be greeting me when we got home,

"Gracie" Jay warned "coat" he stated but I shook my head and crossed my arms across my chest "right, I'm going to get my coat and I expect you to have yours on when I get back" he warned before disappearing in to the break room,

"Come on kid" Adam urged "don't make it worse for yourself huh?" He said with an encouraging wink but I only deepened my frown and shook my head. Jay walked back out of the break room with his coat on and looked over at me unimpressed,

"Gracelyn I'm not telling you again, you got three seconds to get your butt off that chair and put your coat on" he ordered once again but I remained firm and shook my head violently. With a frustrated sigh Jay walked over to me in two strides before firmly grabbing my upper arm and pulling me up to my feet. Without a second thought as to who was around us he landed a flurry of solid smacks over my jean clad butt causing me to try and wriggle out of his grasp,

"Jayyyy" I whined at the fact that the intelligence team had seen me getting my butt smacked,

"Now, you've got two seconds to get your coat on before I put you over my knee right here right now and that doesn't include what's gonna happen when we get home" he threatened causing my cheeks to blush and grab my coat, putting it on begrudgingly "smart move" he said before leading me down the stairs and towards his truck.

We walked in to our apartment and I attempted to escape to my bedroom,

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard Will ask from his place in the kitchen doorway and I turned around to face him,

"I don't wanna talk about it" I said dramatically causing him to rain an unimpressed eyebrow at me,

"Yeah well you don't have a choice in the matter" he replied "get in here" he ordered causing me to groan dramatically and walk in to the kitchen,

"OW" I squealed as a hand flew protectively over my already saw butt,

"You're really not in the position to be giving us attitude right now Gracie" Will scolded "so if I where you I'd keep this shut" he said gesturing to my mouth. I took the hint and silently sat down at the kitchen table "wanna explain yourself?" He asked with an expectant look on his face much like the one Jay was wearing,

"I don't know" I began "I hate math so me and Charlie decided to skip" I said plainly "but it was Charlie who pulled the fire alarm" I accused,

"Oh right, so I'm guessing you tried to stop her" Jay added and I stayed silent "that's what I thought" he confirmed to himself.

"Do you understand what a waste of time that was for the fire department? And they're not just the fire department Gracie they're our friends, whilst you two thought it would be funny to pull the fire alarm what would have happened if someone was in actual trouble? They wouldn't be able to get help because they where called to a false alarm" Will lectured making me feel guilty "I thought you of all kids would understand that" he finished,

"Will's right" Jay agreed "and just because you don't like maths doesn't give you the right to decide to just not go, that's not how school works" he added "do you think me and Will like doing everything that comes with our jobs? Because we don't but we suck it up and we get on with it, sometimes you've gotta do things you don't like in life" he finished and I nodded sadly in understanding "you've been suspended for a week so lucky you gets to come to work with me instead" he added sarcastically. Normally that wouldn't be much of a punishment as I love spending time with the intelligence team but I knew from previous experience that Jay would not put 'allow Gracie to have fun' on the agenda "go to your room I'll be there in a minute" he instructed and I wrinkled my nose in displeasure but did as I was told and slumped off to my room and flopped down on to my ben bag in the corner of my room .

I wasn't alone for long however because not ten minutes later a calmer but still stern looking Jay walked in to my room,

"Come on" he instructed as he sat down on my bed "let's just get this over with" he said causing me to think. He always says that before he spanks me and it confuses me. Nearly as much as it confuses me when he says 'I don't like doing this Gracie' or when Will says 'it hurts me more than it hurts you.' Yeah right! Will doesn't spank me as often as Jay, but when he does I certainly know about it! "Gracelyn" Jay snapped me out of my thoughts "you know what happens if I have to come get you myself" he added causing me to jump off the beanbag and zip over to Jays side where he almost immediately pulled me face down over his lap. Unfortunately for me it's a position I'm all to familiar with. I guess I should stop doing things that end me up here! Jay laid down the first swat to my sit spots and it was enough to make a shriek leave my mouth. I bit my lip as the first handful covered my bottom and thighs but after a while it was becoming exceedingly difficult,

"Please Jay" I pleaded as Jay continued his methodic assault on my upturned behind "I'm sorry" I sobbed but it would appear that it was landing on deaf ears. I gave up with my pleas and went limp over my brothers lap not even noticing when the smacks had stopped and where instead replaced with soothing circles on my back before I was careful pulled to my feet and I wrapped my arms around my brothers neck, gratefully accepting the comfort that he was giving me "I'm sorry Jay" I cried as he gave me a gentle kiss on my temple,

"I know Gracie" he comforted "but me and you are gonna go to the firehouse tomorrow so you can say that to them, understand?" He asked and I nodded my head that was still buried deep in the crook of his neck "wanna go see Will?" He asked and I nodded once again as I hopped off Jays lap and walked in to the kitchen where Will was stood leaning on the kitchen counter with a mug in his hand. He placed the mug behind him and picked me up under my armpits,

"I'm sorry Will" I cried as he wiped my tears away with his thumb,

"It's forgotten now Gracie, just don't do anything like that again" he lectured lightly "you hear?" He asked and I nodded. I was definitely not doing that again!  

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