Your relationship be like • Karasuno Edition

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-Invite you to all volleyball practices and games.

-Loves cuddles and hugs.

-He loves to hugs you every time he finishes his games but he is sweating a lot and smelly so you avoid touching him.

-If you and Kageyama get along pretty well then Hinata would be jealous.

-You guys fight over small things like when he accidentally tips over a cup of water on your notes but you guys make up really quickly.

-You guys rarely fought.

-Cute couple outfits would be a fit for you guys.

-Your smile brightens up his day.





-Doesn't like PDA (Public Display of Affection) but loves to play with your hair, kisses you, and cuddle with you in private.

-Doesn't like it when you ignore him.

-Afraid of losing you so he would be around you most of the time.

-If you like shopping he would go with you most of the time.

-Hinata would be a third wheel if you, him, and Kageyama are hanging out together.

-He gets jealous really easily so your few small arguments would be about his jealousy.

-He loves your smell for some reason.

-Again, he doesn't like PDA but he gives your small kisses on the forehead.

-Long or short, he loves to play with your hair.





-You get along well with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima doesn't really mind, unless you guys are having psychical touches.

-Doesn't like PDA, but he gives you a lot of affection privately.

-He wraps his arms around your neck or your waist a lot.

-He makes sure everyone knows he is with you.

-The first time you meet Hinata he was like "How are you handling this big-jerk monster so well?!"

-He holds your hand.

-You like to try on his glasses, he thinks it looks cute on you.

-Kageyama would try to talk to you to make Tsukishima jealous.

-Surprisingly, you guys rarely fight.

-You guys have a strong bond and trust each other.





-PDA, he loves you so much!

-You guys would have lunch together if you guys are in the same grade.

-Tsukishima would be the third wheel most of the time. *Angry noises from Tsukishima*

-If you get along well with Tsukishima then he wouldn't have to be the third wheel.

-Share his bento with you and sometimes he would cook for you.

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