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The world of all Wildlings, Westerosi, Essosi and the people of Sothoryos, is only referred to as "The known world"

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The world of all Wildlings, Westerosi, Essosi and the people of Sothoryos, is only referred to as "The known world". The world hasn't been explored fully, thus we're only aware of the three continents. It is said that a dragon-rider from Valyria once rode south with the intent to find the southern end of the continent, but the rider returned three years later, reporting that there was no end in sight when she turned around.

In Westeros & Beyond you will get to know the following:

Timeline — In this chapter we will learn more about when what happened.

Westeros — In these chapters we will learn more on how the land of Westeros looks like.

Great Houses — In these chapters we will learn about a few different houses that we've seen or read about and a few extinct but important houses.

Maesters — In this chapter we will learn more about Maesters, what they do and how to become one.

The Wall and Beyond — How exactly was the Wall built and why? In these chapters we will learn more on what is beyond the wall.

Essos and Further East — In these chapters we will learn more about how the land of Essos looks like, all the cities, important places there are on the continent, what lies beyond Asshai and the Shadow Lands and the old Ghiscari Empire.

Sothoryos and Ultos — In this chapter we will learn more about the continent Sothoryos we know little about and the fourth continent Ulthos.

By the Old Gods and the New — In these chapters you will learn more about the different religions you can find on Westeros, Essos and the Summer Islands.

Misc — In these chapters we will learn a bit more on other important things. Like Bran's Visions, Brotherhood without Banners, The Faceless Men and more.

The information in this book is mainly focused on Game of Thrones, not House of the Dragon. Some things are redacted to not spoil House of the Dragon for those who have yet to watch this.

All the information in this book is taken from this Game of Thrones Fandom site unless stated otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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