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"I don't care Sincere, I'm not doing this with you not today!!" Seven raised his voice at his sister.

"Stop yelling Sev I just don't want you to get hurt. The life your living is dangerous. The deeper you get into the game, the harder it is to get out." Her voice came out hoarse. She was tired of arguing with her brother but she just couldn't let him ruin his life.

Seven and Sincere were four years apart, Sincere was the oldest of the two. Besides her grandparents, he was all she had left. Sincere could stand to lose her brother, he was the light of her life.

Sincere adored her brother so much that she moved back home from college to take him in. She also felt like he needed guidance after their parents died. So she moved from off-campus, got another job so she could afford her own apartment, and she switched to online school.

Seven knew all the sacrifices his sister made for him so he wanted to help. He was tired of seeing his sister begging drained because she had to take care of him and herself while working and doing school.  His only mistake was trying to help the illegal way.

Their parents died when she was seventeen, tomorrow marked their death date. Sincere knew that around her parent's death date, Seven would act out. His actions and decisions are the reasoning behind their current argument.

"Please Seven just stop doing this, if you owe anyone I could pay them off. Just please stop selling drugs, this life is only going to end you up in two places," She sighed on the verge of tears because she saw that what she was saying wasn't registering in her brother's head.

It pained to Seven to see his sister cry but he was hard-headed. He only learned things the hard way which is why he wouldn't stop selling drugs.

"Please don't cry Cere, I'm just trying to help you out. I'm tired of you working so hard to provide for me and I can't help you out," He replied sincerely bringing his sister into a warm hug. Sincere melted into the hug once she felt a pinging sensation in her heart. For some reason, she felt like she shouldn't let go of the hug.

"Please don't go wherever your going just don't go, not tonight Bubba. I have a bad feeling, I've had it all day," She heard and felt her brother let out a big sigh.

"I got to go tonight Cere, and you're probably feeling like that because of what tomorrow is," Seven didn't come to terms with the fact that his parents were gone, he couldn't even speak about it.

"Why can't you just listen to me huh?!" She semi-yelled he pulled away from the hug.

"Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm not your child, huh?" Seven questioned dryly.

"Stop trying to be my fucking momma bro, she died four years ago," Sincere was honestly hurt by what her brother just told her but she let it go.

"If you feel like I'm overstepping my boundaries then so be it Seven. I'm done so you could go do whatever you want."

"I'm sorry for trying to be there for you. I'm sorry for providing for you. I'm sorry for all I do. And most of all I'm sorry for trying to protect you," She said calmly, as tears flew from her eyes.

"Yeah whatever Sincere," Seven walked away. Sincere knew he was gone when she heard the door slam.

"I love you too Seven," She whispered to herself. All Sincere could do was pray that her brother makes it home safely.


"Yeah man she tripping, trynna act like a nigga momma or something," Seven vented to Ra. They were in the car, outside of their apartment complex.

"She only wants what's best for you dummy. If I had a sister like yours I wouldn't know what to do," Ra said making him sigh.

Seven knew how he talked to his sister was wrong but he couldn't take back what he said so he wasn't tripping. Another thing he knew was that he had to apologize.

"Yeah I know," Seven trailed off. "Aye look I'm about to go back, imma fuck with you later," Seven said canceling his plans.

"Alright man, stay dangerous nigga," Once they dapped each other up, Seven got out of the car and headed back towards their complex.

"Ayee man Seven watch out," Ra yelled but it was too late gunshots were already let out.

Sincere wasn't sleeping so when she heard the gunshots she became alert. "Seven," Was the only word that she could get out but soon relaxed realizing that he was gone.

She didn't waste any time and went outside to see what was going on. Sincere was thankful that her brother went out tonight and she started to feel bad about their argument.

When she made it on the outside she noticed a car speed off and one with the door open. She looked around to see what was going on and her heart dropped when she noticed someone on the ground.

"Seven bruhh no," She heard someone yell. She immediately ran over towards the body. "Wait wait no Seven-," She couldn't even get her words out, she was shaking and was on the verge of tears.

"SOMEBODY CALL THE AMBULANCE," She yelled out holding onto her brother's bloody body. Several bystanders pulled out their phones to call 911.

"Please Seven," By now she was full-blown crying out.

"Noo doesn't close your eyes fight, fight for me," She sobbed holding onto his body tighter.

"I-I love you too," Seven chocked out before slowly closing his eyes.

"Keep them open please," She said trying to put pressure on his body to stop the bleeding, but there were too many wounds.

"HELP please help," By the end, her voice came out nothing above a whisper.

Seven felt her brother take his last breath and she knew it was over. She sobbed holding onto his body.

"Ma'am we're gonna need you to let go," The perimetric said walking towards Sincere.

"I can't," She whispered looking down at her brother. By now she wasn't crying, all of her emotions were completely shut off, right along with several other things.

By now the corner had already zipped the bag in her brother's body up but Sincere was still sitting in the same position.

"Come on sweetie let's get you cleaned up Ivy's on her way," Mrs. James said walking up to her. Mrs. James knew that this was going to take a major toll on Sincere. And that night she made sure she kept Sincere in her prayers.

That night Sincere didn't only lose her brother but her best friend. She knew that she wouldn't ever be the same. When Seven took his last breath a part of her shut off.

 When Seven took his last breath a part of her shut off

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Let the games began🙃.

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