Chapter 2

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         "Um, I'm Virgil," Virgil said. " Well, Virgil, what's wrong with you?" Deceit asked bluntly. "I guess I have severe anxiety and severe depression, but no real reason to be here," Virgil said bitterly. "Hmm, well I have nothing wrong with me so I guess we're in this together," Deceit said.

         " *Everyone please come to the cafeteria, food is ready.* "A speaker sounded. "Follow me," Deceit said gruffly. They both walked to the cafeteria only to see a huge fight break out. " REMUS! " Deceit screamed, running over to a kid with green tips and a bloody nose who was on the floor. Virgil looked away from him, the sight of blood was always a bit triggering for him. Just then a bunch of doctors ran into the room and pulled two kids apart. "You asshole! You hurt my brother! "A kid with red tips in his hair screams at the dude he was punching. "He deserved it for being disgusting," a kid with dyed orange hair said rolling his eyes. " YOU KNOW HE CAN'T HELP IT, " red tips yelled at him. Virgil flinched back and started to hyperventilate. "Hey," a voice said softly, " can I hug you? You're shaking really bad." Virgil carefully nods and leans in as soon as the boy hugged him. There was something about him that Virgil just couldn't place, but he trusted him so they stayed like that until Virgil broke the hug.

          "S-sorry," Virgil said, stuttering slightly. " Oh, it's fine! My name is Patton by the way, " the boy smiled. "My n-name is Virgil," the purple haired boy said. " Wanna meet my friends? "Patton asked. "Sure," Virgil said. Patton got up and helped Virgil up while leading him to the table he was sat at before he helped the kid. "Patton, who is this?" A man with glasses and book asked. " Well Logan this is Virgil! Virgil, this is Logan, " he introduced, "Roman would be here, but he got into a fight as you saw." Virgil nodded and they ate in silence.

           "Come on, I'll show you to the room that we hang out in!" Patton said still bubbly. " Um, I don't know if this is okay to ask, but you seem so happy are you really supposed to be here? "Virgil asked uncertain. "Oh, it's fine! I have a small eating disorder, but I'll be fine! After all I am getting better!" Patton said still bubbly. They walked in silence after that.

           "Welcome to the common room!" Patton said. "Wow..." Virgil whispered. The room had multiple different things to do, from watching T.V and playing video games to reading and playing board games. There were six bean bags in the room all of them a different color, one was red, one was green, one was dark blue, one was yellow, one was light blue, and one was purple. The walls were a calming lilac purple and the room had a citrus smell to it. There were desks and chairs set up around the room and two T.Vs one of them was for video games and the other one was for watching shows. There was a shelf filled with books and then there was a shelf for board games. The floor was a soft carpet and colored a light gray.

           "Cool right!" Patton exclaimed. " Yeah, this place is awesome! "Virgil said, excited. Patton dragged him over to the bean bags, grabbing two and pulling them closer to the shelf filled with games." What game do you wanna play? "Patton asked. "Um, I don't really care," Virgil said. " Okay, well we could play Candyland! "Patton suggested. "Sure," Virgil agreed, smiling. Patton squealed and grabbed the obviously worn down box from the shelf.


A/n: Hey! I was working on this all night, but because I get slightly delirious if I haven't slept for eight days in a row I had to delete the entire thing and rewrite it. So, yeah... Here's the rewritten one! Hope you enjoy, Love y'all.


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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