~Chapter 58~

Beginne am Anfang

"Most eligible bachelor in California sweetheart, everyone wants to work for me." He says cockily but I ignore his response knowing I'll start yelling at his dumb ass.

"Did you sign the transfer so I could go back to working for Ace?" I ask.

At this his features change. His jaw

clenching and his grip on the pen tightening.

"No Selena, I did not." He says.

"Why?" I ask. "I want to transfer." I add.

"I understand that but things are running smoothly around here because of you." He says.

"Business wise, that is." He adds.

"Well I don't want to work here anymore." I tell him.

"Then quit." He says.

"I've tried! You threatened that you'd tell other companies I'm horrible at my job! And because you're this big shot billionaire they'll listen to you! So you could please do me the goddamn favor of sending me back to Ace?" I snap.

"Ace and I will discuss it." He says and I groan in annoyance but continue with my work.

The rest of the day dragged on. Killian only speaking to me when he needed to do something.

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I reach James in the parking lot and sit in the passenger side.

"Took you long enough I've been calling you." He chuckles.

"Really? I didn't hear my phone ring?" I frown and open my purse.

"God dammit." I sigh.

"It's on your desk isn't it?" He laughs.

"I'll be right baaack." I trail off and he laughs.

Re-entering the building I walk over to the elevator. I don't take Killian's anymore. He insists I do so I can get between floors faster but I only use it when I have to attend a meeting with him, other than that I don't think he knows that those are the only times I use it.

After what feels like forever due to people getting on and getting off, it comes to a stop at the top floor. I walk down the corridor and to his office.

When I reach the doors I touch the little screen to enter the pass code. I don't really like using my fingerprint anymore either so I manually enter the code.

The doors slide open and I walk in, I gasp and look down at the floor when I notice him at his desk with a brunette straddling his lap on his chair. The sound of my gasp interrupting their make out session.


"Sorry to interrupt, I left my phone." I say, avoiding eye contact as I quickly walk to my desk and open my drawer and grab my phone.

As I close the drawer I push my chair in and walk towards the door.

"Selena, wait!" He rasps as he grabs a hold of my arm.

"Let go." I say, not looking up at him.

"No, I need you to listen to me." I look up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

I take a glance behind him and see her sitting in his chair with her legs crossed and a smirk on her lips, her blouse unbuttoned completely and the hickeys on her neck and chest easily visible.

I feel my eyes begin to tear and I blink them back and look back up at him. His blazer unbuttoned as well as his collared shirt. His belt buckle undone as if he were really about to fuck the girl.

"I'm not interested in shit you have to say." I hiss and force my arm out of his grip and leave his office.

Half way down the hall and to the elevator I hear him call my name and I continue to walk. My arm is grabbed again and he turns me around.

"Bloody hell, can you listen to me?" He says.

"I can but I don't fucking want to. Go back to whatever I interrupted." I snap. His shirt is buttoned up again as well as his blazer and his belt.

"It's not-"

"What did it look like? Really, that's the line you want to pull?" I interrupt, raising an eyebrow.

"She's a friend." He sighs.

"A close one at that." I chuckle.

"What happened to you, don't kiss your friends, don't hold hands with your friends, don't leave hickeys on your friends? Just fuck off." I say and get ready to walk away but he speaks.

"So you're just going to give up on us?" He asks.

"Are you really throwing that at me right now? You're the one that needed the space. You're the one that can't handle a relationship right now. You're the one that said you wouldn't see anyone else and you would still be devoted to me. You expect me to wait for you and not see other people, but you can do it? You're fucking pathetic." I say with a teary ass, my voice cracking slightly.

"You said you wouldn't give up." He chuckles sadly.

"Coming from you who was messing around with some girl in your office." I say and turn around and walk away.

Finally making it outside I walk to James's car and sit inside.

"Hey what was the hold up?" He asks.

"Selena, you were crying. Do I need to go up there and kick his ass?" He asks.

I chuckle slightly and I wipe away some tears that fell.

I chuckle slightly and I wipe away some tears that fell

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"No," I shake my head.

"Don't even give him the time of day. Let's just go home." I add.

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