Chapter 4: Heart of kryptonite

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Lois swallowed as she prepared her speech.

"It's been a while" Samuel said and put himself down at a table. "I thought I would hear from you, after Carks little visit at the presconference", Lois cleared her throat.

"Yeah, that's why am calling you. You have crossed the line with Luthor" Lois said upset. Samuel walked away from the table at LexCorp and went to a room with less crowd. He closed the door to the small laboratory.

"Lois Joanne Lane, you should be very cautious for what you say. It's above my paygrade to sign a contract with Luthor, but to speak for myself, I think it is a brilliant idea. We can't trust these aliens" Samuel said resentful. Lois laughed sarcastically.

"These aliens, they are refuges here dad. How many aliens have the world have trouble with, two, three" Lois said more upset this time? She went for sitting to standing. "And that doesn't even matter, because there are more humans that committing crimes, killing then there even exist aliens here" Samuel swallowed and looked himself in the mirror. His medals shined from his chest.

"I am well informed of that matter, but that's not why we signed a contract with Luthor" Samuel plugged in his air pods in the ears.

"So, tell me the damn reason" Lois asked.

"The people above me are afraid, and frankly so am I. We don't know anything about Superman. Where he lives, how he came to earth or who he is. We can't define him as an ally until we have all the answers. Supermen need to reveal himself" Samuel said. It became quiet. "Lex serves US and is open book, a safe card. Safer than Superman" Samuel said. At that point had Lois ended the call. It is hard to know a secret that can't be sheared with the world, if only Samuel knew about Clark's identity. A tear came down from Lois chin which she fast dried away. She had recorded the phone call and was ready to use it in the article.

The next day:

Clark really hated this feeling. The feeling of being powerless. He always things when he gets this feeling of all the people that doesn't have superhuman abilities. Clark walked into Star laboratories. Garrison stood and talked to some scientists near the place the blood vault used to stay. Silas stood at the computer. At the side of it was a notepad and on it a blue ink pencil.

"Hey, what's up?" Clark asked Silas and nodded at Garrison. Silas looked over at Garrison and then on the screen.

"So, what are you doing" Clark asked and pointed at the formula.

"You are amazing Silas" Clark said and laid his hand on his shoulder.

"I want a pic of that for an article am building against Lex" Clark said fast and flew away out of the building. Clark was on his way to Lois, Cat and Jimmy, this evidence should be known by them to. Clark even thought of what Luthor said yesterday about lying, he should be straight with Cat and Jimmy. They should know that I am Superman.

"This is ridiculous Lois. We can't have this in our article. This is a to personal interview" Cat said while looking at Lois strict. Lois sighted.

"I know but this is what we have to work with. How about the interview you two had?" Lois asked Cat and Jimmy. Cat shook her head.

"We didn't get anything from that, he didn't know anything relevant. Which makes your interview the only material we have, the rest is conspiracy. Am sorry but I can't work on something that doesn't have a story to tell." Cat said and took her handbag. When Cat opened the door, Clark stood there ready to walk in.

"Hello Ms. Grant, could you follow me back inside" Clark asked and closed the door behind them. Lois looked suspicious at Clark as h stepped into the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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