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another story about a pair of star-crossed lovers.


it's another work of prose poetry and i wrote it mostly as a? form of therapy? a coping mechanism?

- it's a first & second perspective fanfic (uses both i/me and you/your pronouns)

- it's around 4k words in total, 10-12 parts. i'll upload it all today and tomorrow :)

- title & some inspiration from outlines by all time low. <3

trigger warnings for child abuse, homophobia, many mentions of death including multiple characters' explicit deaths (not the narrator's tho.)
ALSO!!! the fic is set in a war-related setting (occupation, civil war, or state-sanctioned oppression) & one of the characters struggles with a martyr complex which leads to suicidal ideation & tendencies. there's also implied ptsd, survivor's guilt, and similar things.

if ur looking for a sign: idk what you've been thru and what you've survived. it could be something like war or abuse or assault, or something else. here's your sign: you deserve to live and be comfortable with living, life is more than constantly fighting to survive. you survived, but you also deserve to heal and live now.

- i'm writing this for my friend's birthday (on 28/5) so i'm sharing this here first n then i'll post it on ao3 :) idk if anyone will read it now but if u do i'd appreciate the feedback so so much!! my friend only read the first three parts and he seemed to like it so far & hopefully he'll enjoy it on his bday and i really hope you do too <3

- rio

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