You gotta be kidding me!

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Chapter IDk
✨Sapnap's POV✨
(Finally some action!!)


Words popped up on the screen the said "for the first mini game you have to pick a partner! They will not be your partner ever time and can switch partners later on! Good luck!". THIS WAS MY CHANCE!! Before Chris got the chance to say anything I quickly burlted out "Karl wanna be partners?!". Chris glared at at me from across the couch. Karl glanced over Chris.. UGH WHY! He gave him a soft smile. Karl took a breath in and smiled "Sure I would love to be you partner Sapnap!" He stated excitedly. FINALLY! This was MY time to shine!! I can finally prove to him that he should dump the loser and get with ME! I snapped back to reality when Karl placed his hand on my shoulder and asked "Are you okay Sapnap you look a little lost?". I blushed slightly at touch and glared at Chris once again and said with a smirk "Nope I'm fine, everything's just GREAT" we began to play.

A little later Karl started to look very tired. I yawned and then stretched my arm around MY Karl. Chris was staring me dead in the eyes and I stared dead into his.He looked like he was gonna break me in HalfI. He then grabbed Karl's legs and put them in my lap as he smirked evily at me from across the chouch. THE NERVE IF SOME PEOPLE! Then I had an idea! I smirked back and pulled Karl closer to my chest. You could see the steam coming out of his head! Suddenly he leaned into both me and Karl and put HIS head next to MY Karl.I him the glare of death. It went on like this for a while. But it eventually got a little out hand.. And by out hand I mean and hold each of Karl's hand and pulling him in each direction so hard it look he was gonna fall apart at the seams! And we each yelling "He's mine!" and "But he's MY boyfriend" and "SO what that doesn't mean that you own him!!". All the while Island was just quietly sitting there texting his mom ignoring all the drama that was going on in the background. Suddenly Karl yelled "OKAY THATS ENOUGH! I am so SICK and TIRED of the both of you bickering! We can't have a SIMPLE Stream without the two of you arguing over me! Sapnap,Chris is my boyfriend so shut it! And Chris no need to rub it in! There I said know can you idiots please stop arguing so we can have a nice stream!" the room fell silent, all you could hear was the game theme song and Iland's key's typing.

Thanks so much @TheDamSnackbar33 for the amazing idea. And sorry that the fight was very similar to another chapter I wrote, I just didn't feel writing a completely different fight sence.

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